- To manipulate arrays using assembly language.-## First declare an array A of integer numbers 3,7,12,15,21. ## The program prompt user for an input between 1-50. And count down the entered number to 0. Print out the result. ## Print out the conten
- VMP脱壳步骤 个人总结的一个VMP脱壳步骤 个人在学习脱VMP加壳的过程中总结的一个步骤。按照这个步骤,包括VMP1.6—2.0在内应该有70 -80 能脱壳。脱不了的也别问我,我也刚开始学习。我还想找人问呢 -VMP shelling stepPersonal summary of a VMP shelling step Individuals in the study off the VMP packers process are summarized in a sin