- Voxelise a closed (ie. watertight) triangular-polygon mesh. The mesh can be in one of several formats: in an STL file in a structure containing the faces and vertices data in three 3xN arrays containing the x,y,z coordinates or in a single Nx3x3 arra
- ball structure, which members containing the coordinates of the center of the ball in space and the diameter of the ball. Poster contains the coordinates of the center of the ball to be implemented as an integer array (contain the coordinates x, y, z
- MMA7455的测试程序,输出X、Y、Z三个轴的加速度传感器-Acceleration sensor MMA7455 test program, the output X, Y, Z three axes
- Using Weka s feature selection algorithm X, the features on current trunk, each colum is a feature vector on all instances, and each row is a part of the instance Y, the label of instances, in single column form: 1 2 3 4 5 ... a.E = w
- 设A=(a1,…,am)和B=(b1,…,bn)均为顺序表,A’和B’分别为A和B中除去最大共同前缀后的子表(例如,A=(x,y,y,z,x,z),B=(x,y,y,z,y,x,x,z),则两者中最大的共同前缀为(x,y,y,z),在两表中除去最大共同前缀后的子表分别为A’=(x,z)和B’=(y,x,x,z))。若A’=B’=空表,则A=B;若A’=空表,而B’≠空表,或者两者均不为空,且A’的首元小于B’的首元,则A < B,否则A > B。试写一个比较A、B大小的算法(请注意: