- 利用哈夫曼编码进行通信可以大大提高信道利用率,缩短信息传输时间,降低传输成本。但是,这要求在发送端通过一个编码系统对待传数据预先编码,在接受将传来的数据进行译码。-use Huffman coding can be greatly improved communication channel utilization, shorten information transmission time and reduce transmission costs. However, this require
- This project allows you to learn communication systems in greater depth. It contains the Simulink files (*.mdl) which are block design files of various communication systems such as AM, DSB-SC, FM, PLL, Data Acquisition, Digital Data Transmission, PC
- BonnMotion2.0版,2011年。BonnMotion创建的场景可以输出给网络仿真软件ns-2、GlomoSim/QualNet、COOJA、ONE、MiXiM使用。-BonnMotion is a Java software which creates and analyses mobility scenarios. It is developed within the Communication Systems group at the Institute of Computer
- hi i am presting communication to your pc. you can control your robot by your pc. I am using at mega16 microcontroller.
- VK3212是UART接口的2通道UART器件。VK3212实现UART扩展2个串口(UART)的功能。 扩展的子通道的UART具备如下功能特点: 每个子通道UART的波特率、字长、校验格式可以独立设置,最高可以提供1Mbps的通信速率。 每个子通道可以独立设置工作在IrDA红外通信、 9位网络地址自动识别、软件自动流量控制、 广播接收等高级工作模式下。 每个子通道具备收/发独立的16 BYTE FIFO,FIFO的中断为4级可编程条件触发点。 VK3212采用SSOP1