扩展Int 13H调用规范
- 硬盘参数释疑 到目前为止,人们常说的硬盘参数还是古老的 CHS (Cylinder/Head/Sector)参数。那么为什么要使用这些参数,它们的意义是什么?它们的取值范围是什么?-drive parameters construction date, known as the hard drive or the old parameters CHS (Cylinder / Head / Sector) parameters. Then why should the use of these p
- 基本INT 13H读写磁盘扇区 一、读磁盘 MOV AX,0201H MOV BX,7C00H MOV CX,0001H MOV DX,0080H INT 13H INT 3H 二、写磁盘 MOV AX,0301H MOV BX,7C00H MOV CX,0001H MOV DX,0080H INT 13H INT 3H -Partition structure