- 一个简单的16进制编辑器,新版本添加了以下的功能: 1。更强的撤消 2。块删除 3。插入 4。块填充 5。内存编辑 6。checksum(计算CRC32,求和) 7。直接对数值运算-a simple band of 16 editors, the new version adds the following features : 1. Subsequent to the withdrawal of two. Delete three blocks. Insert 4.
- This program was produced by PHM-123 Chip type : ATmega16 Program type : Application AVR Core Clock frequency: 16.000000 MHz Memory model : Small External RAM size : 0 Data Stack size : 256-This program was produced by PHM-123
- ue,绿色免安装的,查看内存数据什么的挺管用的 -ue, green-free installation to see what memory data very useful, see what the data is very useful memory of
- Notepad++是一个免费的开源的编辑器,完全可以替记事本,支持多种语言。 环境中运行在MS Windows上,它的使用受 GPL 许可证限制。 其基于强大的编辑组件 Scintilla ,用C + +编程,使用Win32 API和STL以确保更高的执行速度和更小的程序的大小。更节省内存等资源!-Notepad++ is a free open source editor for notepad can support multiple languages. Environment
- some simple try about reading and writing datas in the ex memory
- PICs have a set of registers that function as general purpose RAM. Special purpose control registers for on-chip hardware resources are also mapped into the data space. The addressability of memory varies depending on device series, and all PIC devic
- vb读写内存,可以改了做外挂,其实VB也是可以做外挂的(无DLL,VB加载.sys文件)-Vb to read and write memory, can be changed to do plugins, vb is actually can do plugins (No DLL,VB Loading Sys)
- 最新版cppcheck,静态的C/C++ 代码分析工具,用以检查内存泄漏,错配的内存分配和释放,缓冲区溢出,以及更多的问题。-The latest version cppcheck, static C/C++ code analysis tool to check for memory leaks, mismatching memory allocation and deallocation, buffer overflows, and more problems.
- 设计文法类,实现对文法G[S]=(Vt, Vn, P, S)的文件读写,文法的文件表示形式以及内存表示形式可自定义。本质上,文法就是3个集合+1个符号,重点(难点)是产生式集合如何处理。文法的文本形式可根据自己需要自由定义。在前述的基础上,实现文法化简的无用符号及无用产生式消除算法。 -Grammar class design, to achieve the grammar G [S] = (Vt, Vn, P, S) to read and write files, grammar fil