- segment,一个简单的中文分词程序,命令行如下: java -jar segmenter.jar [-b|-g|-8|-s|-t] inputfile.txt -b Big5, -g GB2312, -8 UTF-8, -s simp. chars, -t trad. chars Segmented text will be saved to inputfile.txt.seg
- 聚类分析是数据挖掘中的一个重要研究领域,是一种数据划分或分组处理的 重要手段和方法。聚类无论在商务领域,还是在生物学、W七b文档分类、图像 处理等其他领域都得到了有效的应用。目前聚类算法大体上分为基于划分的方 法、基于层次的方法、基于密度的方法、基于网格的方法、基于模型的方法以及 模糊聚类。 ,erer
- 电子考场自动生成变格式考卷,通过改变题号和标准答案a\b\c\d位置,防止通信舞弊-Electronic examination papers automatically change the format by changing the title and the standard answer to a \ b \ c \ d location of communication to prevent fraud
- 字符串列表相减器 工作中常遇到重复处理事务,比如求职过程中,经过一段时间后以前考虑过的职位又被重新考虑造成时间浪费。该工具帮助挑选出重复内容、不同内容,应用在多种场合,帮助减少重复工作: 给出A,B列表,计算A-B, (A-(A-B)), (B-(A-B))。-Strings list subtraction program. Frequently encountered in the work of double handling of affairs, such as job s
- 用B-树作为查找存储结构,对中文单词进行哈希,用最长逆向匹配算法进行中文句段分词,实现中文词典以及分词。中文词典规模为十万八千多词汇。分词的正确率在90 以上。-Use the B-tree as storage structure , and hash the Chinese word while storing or searching. Use the longest reverse matching algorithm to split Chinese sentence to word
- dfrobot 4wd sketch 4motors f-b-r-l-r
- Setup the Raspberry Pi to work with Matlab. Check out the Matlab Hardware Support Package documentation. This GUI based program will automatically connect to the Raspberry Pi if already configured. It shows the Pin logic values in color. The Pin head
- Given a 3D cloud of points accompanied by normals an implicit b-spline surface is reconstructed.
- 中文自动分词系统,java编写,有界面。可以实现正向最大匹配FMM和逆向最大匹配B-Chinese automatic segmentation system, java write, there are interfaces. You can achieve maximum matching FMM forward and reverse maximum matching BMM
- figure imagesc(Img,[0 255]) colormap(gray) hold on bw = roipoly phi = 2*(0.5-bw) tic for n = 1:200 phi = Evo_ILF_2D(phi,mu,lambda,epsilon,timestep,Img_lap) pause(0.05) imagesc(Img, [0, 255]) colormap(gray) hold on [c,h] = c
- 1. Introduction 2. Quick Start Virtual Machine 3. Standalone System Requirements 4. Installation, Setup, and Testing a. System Software Pre-requisites b. MAP-RSeq Install c. Post-Install Configuration d. Install validation and test r