- 一个信息检索模型,改进之处在于利用词汇之间的聚合网络实现了搜索引擎参数的自动调整和优化-An information retrieval model, improvement is the use of vocabulary between the converged network to achieve the search engine parameters automatically adjust and optimize
- imdict-chinese-analyzer 是 imdict智能词典 的智能中文分词模块,算法基于隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model, HMM),是中国科学院计算技术研究所的ictclas中文分词程序的重新实现(基于Java),可以直接为lucene搜索引擎提供简体中文分词支持。-imdict-chinese-analyzer is a smart imdict Chinese Dictionary smart module segmentation algorithm
- MadKit is a modular and scalable multiagent platform written in Java and built upon the AGR (Agent/Group/Role) organizational model: agents are situated in groups and play roles. MadKit allows high heterogeneity in agent architectures and communicati