- 很牛B的Mpi并行算法 很牛B的Mpi并行算法 很牛B的Mpi并行算法-very cattle B prostitutes parallel algorithm B is the cattle prostit utes parallel algorithm is cattle B The prostitutes parallel algorithm B is the cattle prostit utes parallel algorithm B is the cattle prostitute
- 实现了椭圆曲线的初始化,并当参数生成后,会对参数a和b进行判断,看是否符合椭圆曲线的要求。-realized the elliptic curve initialization, and when the parameters of the generated will parameters a and b for judgment to see whether they conform to the requirements of elliptic curves.
- 程序计算了国产矩形波导BJ-100的传输特性。通过查阅资料可以知道BJ-100波导管的结构参数为频率范围(8.2GHz~12.5GHz)结构参数a=22.86mm,b=10.16mm FDTD计算 fortran 语言
- 用CUDA实现BFS算法源码。CUDA是NV公司基于GPU的统一计算架构,BFS复杂度由CPU上的O(V+E)降为O(diameter),直径diameter即图中root到leaf的最长距离。-This is the algorithm of BFS(breadth first search) on CUDA, and its time complexity is down to O(diameter) which diameter means the longest distance bet
- 算法框架: a.. 问题的解空间:应用回溯法解问题时,首先应明确定义问题的解空间。问题的解空间应到少包含问题的一个(最优)解。 b. 回溯法的基本思想:确定了解空间的组织结构后,回溯法就从开始结点(根结点)出发,以深度优先的方式搜索整个解空间。这个开始结点就成为一个活结点,同时也成为当前的扩展结点。在当前的扩展结点处,搜索向纵深方向移至一个新结点。这个新结点就成为一个新的活结点,并成为当前扩展结点。如果在当前的扩展结点处不能再向纵深方向移动,则当前扩展结点就成为死结点。换句话说,
- Write an MPI program that solves a set of linear equations Ax = b with the 并行计算 Jacobi method. The root process reads the matrix A and the vector b from files. The file names have to be specified by the user as parameters.-Write an MPI p
- 主要还是让A(i,j) B(i,j)进行移动A(i,i+j),B(i+j,j),然后进能直接相乘。具体的内容可以看并行算法导论,-Matrix multiplication with the Cannon Algorithm: The Cannon Algorithm for matrix multiplication was presented in the course “Parallel and Distributed Algorithms “by Dr. Klauck. Sh
- Programming Massively Parallel Processors A Hands-on Approach by David B. Kirk and Wen-mei W. Hwu English version
- A: aij, 1<= i,j<=n b: 1<=i<=n x0: intial guess, 1<=i<=n tol: tolerance N maximum number of iterations k: number count of iteration Xm(:,k): X in each k iteration-Jacobi s method: In numerical linear algebra, the
- 猜數字 cout< "猜數字\n"<<"規則:1.輸入0~9的正整數\n"<<" 2.數字不能正整數\n" <<" 3.輸入四個數字(不能重複)\n" <<" 4.A=位子且數字對\n"<<" 5.B=數字對但位子不對\n"<<"PS.輸入:0 0 0 0換題\n"<<" 輸入:3 1 6 6離開猜數字\n" <<" 輸入9 9 5 8求救\n"<<" 每個數字請用空格分
- calculate vector x in Ax=b equation of the upper triangle matrix using pipeline mpi
- 对excel文件数据的操作 运行程序后... 首先点击Creat File按钮创建标准EXCEL文件(非标准excel文件笨程序无法操作) 打开程序目录下的name.xls, excel文件下有3件工作簿分别为TestSheet1,TestSheet2,TestSheet3 //////////一定要注意任何数据不能只是数字!!!!! 将第一组数据复制到TestSheet1里"数据A1"列中 将第二组数据复制到TestShee
- 写一个Sherwood算法C(X),与算法A(X),B(X),D(X)比较,给出实验结果。-Write a the Sherwood algorithm of C (X), with the algorithm A (X), B (X), D (X), experimental results are presented.
- 并行计算的4位累加器,a和b分别为4为数据,cin为进位三者相加结果为sout和cout-4-bit parallel computing accumulator, a and b are 4 for the data, cin is carry addition result of the three sout and cout
- This program is designed to perform matrix matrix multiplication A x B = C, where A is an lxm matrix, B is a m x n matrix and C is a l x n matrix. The program is designed to be a template serial program that can be expanded into a parallel
- openmp并行编程实现矩阵乘法运算,读入矩阵A和矩阵B,并输出计算结果到文件-openmp parallel programming matrix multiplication, read matrix A and matrix B, and output the results to a file
- 该函数返回值为积分结果,形参a,b分别为积分上下限,fun是被积函数。该函数用来求积分值。-This function returns a value of the integration result, parameters a, b is the integral upper and lower limits, respectively, fun is the plot function. This function is used to find the integral value
- 把函数f(x)的零点所在的区间[a,b](满足f(a)●f(b)<0)“一分为二”,得到[a,m]和[m,b]。根据“f(a)●f(m)<0”是否成立,取出零点所在的区间[a,m]或[m,b],仍记为[a,b]。所对得的区间[a,b]重复上述步骤,直到包含零点的区间[a,b]“足够小”,则[a,b]内的数可以作为方程的近似解。- dichotomy
- 一维可压缩黏性流动是气体动力学中最经典的黏性流动问题,对它采用迎风型 差分算法进行数值求解。-One-dimensional viscous compressible gas flow dynamics of the most classic viscous flow problems, use it upwind difference algorithm for numerical solving.
- 反向阵列(单块)-- 给定指针d_a中的输入数组{a0,a1,...,an-1},将反向数组{an-1,an-2,...,a0}存储在指针d_b中 A: 从“reverseArray_singleblock”模板开始 B: 只有一个线程块启动,以反转一个大小的数组 N = numThreads = 256个元素 C: 第1部分(共1个):所有你需要做的是实现内核的“reverseArrayBlock()” D:每个线程将单个元件移动到相反的位置, 从d_a指标读取输入,