- 基本遗传算法(GA)的matlab源程序!许多改进的遗传算法均可在此基础上修改而成.
- 计算机算法基础 里面有一些计算机的基础算法 初学着可以-computer algorithm based computer There is the basis of learning algorithm to look at
- MIP并行计算实现快速排序算法。在本篇中,我们首先对快速排序算法进行描述和实现,并在此基础上分析此算法的并行性,确定并行编程模式,最后给出该算法的MPI实现。-MIP fast parallel sorting algorithms. In this, we first describe a fast sorting algorithm and implementation, and on this basis of parallelism of this algorithm to determ
- 可以实现乘法运算,在原来的基础之上有了一定的修改,使得算法更加简便-Multiplication can be achieved, at the basis of the original must have the revised algorithm makes it easier
- 并行磁共振成像中基础算法GRAPPA的应用实例,一维成像,8线圈采集的数据-1D GRAPPA reconstruction from an 8-channel head array coil using least-square matrix inversion. The data were simulated from the combination of B1 fields by Biot-Savart s law and anatomical features from MPRAGE s
- 并行计算学习资料,讲了并行基础,并行算法的设计与实现,-Parallel learning materials, about the parallel basis, parallel algorithm design and implementation,
- 云计算算法及应用,介绍云计算基础知识及相关应用,值得收藏-Cloud computing algorithms and applications, introduces the basics of cloud computing and related applications, it is worth collecting
- 《MPI与OpenMP并行程序设计(C语言版)》是美国Oregon州立大学的Michael J.Quinn教授在多年讲授“并行程序设计”课程的基础上编写而成的,主要介绍用C语言,并结合使用MPI和OpenMP进行并行程序设计,内容包括并行体系结构、并行算法设计、消息传递编程、Eratosthenes 筛法、Floyd 算法、性能分析、矩阵向量乘法、文档分类、蒙特卡洛法、矩阵乘法、线性方程组求解、有限差分方法、排序、快速傅立叶变换、组合搜索、共享存储编程、融合OpenMP和MPI以及5个附录。-&
(强化学习入门)David Silver
- 深度学习的中文版本,里面详细介绍了深度学习的各种算法,其中还有一些用到的基础内容,例如矩阵和向量的范数(Chinese version of the depth of learning, which detailed the depth of learning algorithms, some of which used the basics, such as vector and matrix norm)