- Write an MPI program that solves a set of linear equations Ax = b with the 并行计算 Jacobi method. The root process reads the matrix A and the vector b from files. The file names have to be specified by the user as parameters.-Write an MPI p
- C++实现的稀疏矩阵类,可实现稀疏矩阵的存储计算等功能-Now, instead of using 2D, we will use doubly-linked lists to present sparse matrices. There are various methods of organizing doubly-linked-lists. We not only store elements of sparse matrices but also implement operations
- MPI matrix multiplication with two versions (one is broad cast method and another one is systolic method)
- 一本将基于近邻传播算法的半监督聚类的算方法书.对于聚类研究的很有帮助-Abstract: A semi-supervised clustering method based on affinity propagation (AP) algorithm is proposed in this paper. AP takes as input measures of similarity between pairs of data points. AP is an efficient a
- A: aij, 1<= i,j<=n b: 1<=i<=n x0: intial guess, 1<=i<=n tol: tolerance N maximum number of iterations k: number count of iteration Xm(:,k): X in each k iteration-Jacobi s method: In numerical linear algebra, the
- 矩阵相乘的LU算法的MPI并行实现源码,采用连续行划分方法。-MPI parallel implementation of matrix multiplication, LU algorithm source code, a continuous line of division method.
- 用MPI实现的矩阵乘法的cannon算法,linux平台-matrix multiplication in Cannon method with MPI
- 最简单的矩阵并行计算方法,很简单 调用CUDA计算得到的 非常简单-The easiest parallel matrix calculation method is very simple call to get a very simple calculation CUDA
- 压缩包里包含几个用C编写的并行代码,运行无误。其中包括,电路满足性的MP程序,floyd算法MPI代码,Sieve_Eratoshenes筛法MPI代码,矩阵相乘的MPI代码以及计算PI值的OpenMP代码。-Which contains several parallel programs written in C to run correctly. Among them, including Floyd algorithm procedures, matrix multiplication M
- 《MPI与OpenMP并行程序设计(C语言版)》是美国Oregon州立大学的Michael J.Quinn教授在多年讲授“并行程序设计”课程的基础上编写而成的,主要介绍用C语言,并结合使用MPI和OpenMP进行并行程序设计,内容包括并行体系结构、并行算法设计、消息传递编程、Eratosthenes 筛法、Floyd 算法、性能分析、矩阵向量乘法、文档分类、蒙特卡洛法、矩阵乘法、线性方程组求解、有限差分方法、排序、快速傅立叶变换、组合搜索、共享存储编程、融合OpenMP和MPI以及5个附录。-&