- 本文以大时滞温度控制系统为研究对象,提出一种改进型Smith预估控制算 法,通过设计自适应非线性反馈回路来自适应调节参数,从而满足对象参数大幅 度变化的要求-In this paper, large time delay the temperature control system for the study, to provide an improved Smith predictor control algorithm by designing adaptive nonlinear
- 演变过程 自抗扰控制器自PID控制器演变过来,采取了PID误差反馈控制的核心理念。传统PID控制直接引取输出于参考输入做差作为控制信号,导致出现响应快速性与超调性的矛盾出现。 折叠编辑本段组成部分 自抗扰控制器主要由三部分组成:跟踪微分器(tracking differentiator),扩展状态观测器 (extended state observer) 和非线性状态误差反馈控制律(nonlinear state error feedback law)。(The evoluti
- The evolution process The PID controller (adrc) evolution, took the core idea of PID error feedback control.Traditional PID control direct speech output to the reference input do bad as control signal, resulting in response to the contradiction