- 数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 二维离散余弦变换的图像压缩 采用灰度变换的方法增强图像的对比度 直方图均匀化 模拟图像受高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声的影响 采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤波 用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值滤波 图像的自适应魏纳滤波 运用5种不同的梯度增强法进行图像锐化 图像的高通滤波和掩模处理 用巴特沃斯(Butterwo
- zemax源码: This DLL models a standard ZEMAX surface type, either plane, sphere, or conic The surface also demonstrates a user-defined apodization filter The filter is defined as part of the real ray trace, case 5 The filter can be used at th
- 这个一个完好无损的matlab程序,他实现的功能是进行扩展开尔曼滤波,是本人亲自制造的,哈哈,哈哈哈,-this demo is to show you how to implement a generic SIR (a.k.a. particle, bootstrap, Monte Carlo) filter to estimate the hidden states of a nonlinear, non-Gaussian state space model.-this demo is to
- 这个是Java学习的源代码,哈哈哈,你们可以看一下哈哈,哈哈哈,哈哈哈哈哈,够二十个字了吧-this demo is to show you how to implement a generic SIR (a.k.a. particle, bootstrap, Monte Carlo) filter to estimate the hidden states of a nonlinear, non-Gaussian state space model.-this demo is to show
- 中值滤波器VI对混有高斯白噪声的脉冲信号进行滤波-Median filter VI for mixed Gaussian white noise pulse signal filtering
- 频域图像增强,快速傅里叶变换,频域各种滤波器源代码,高斯滤波等-Frequency domain image enhancement, fast Fourier transform, the frequency domain filter source code, such as gaussian filtering
- Edge detection is widely used in image processing, image recognition and computer vision. Tradition edge detection methods have a lot of disadvantages. This paper presents a new edge detection algorithm base on Matching Pursuit (MP). Our method h