- In the name of god This code scr ipt for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with Maximal Ratio Combining. This program is for Matlab.
- 在matlab环境中将陀螺仪加速度计以及磁传感器数据转为四元数的脚本。-The scr ipt will change accelerometers and gyroscopes magnetic sensor data into a quaternion In the matlab environment.
- 该资料现代数字通信及书中案例源码。 该书提供利用MATLAB的解决现代数字通信中涉及的几乎所有方面的问题的分析思路、方法、matlab脚本文件和处理结果案例以及学生自主研讨习题。全书分为9章。分别是:信号与线性系统、随机过程、模拟调制、模拟/数字转换、基带数字传送、带线信道的数字传送、载波调制的数字传输、信道容量和编码、扩频通信系统。-The modern digital communication data source and book cases. The book provides
- 机器学习相关内容,基于matlab仿真,实现了线性回归分类器的功能-Files included in this exercise ex1.m- Octave scr ipt that will help step you through the exercise ex1 multi.m- Octave scr ipt for the later parts of the exercise ex1data1.txt- Dataset for linear regression wit