- Delphi中有很多人分享如何用StrToInt将字符串转换为整数,但是在很多时候当需要用Byte(即十六进制用8位表示)来写出时就束手无策了。还有就是怎么将8位的十六进制数转换为十进制时也没有可以参考的了。本文试图给一个答案,可以使大家省些时间。-In Delphi there are a lot of sharing about using StrToInt but it givs out a String format, it has a problem when you are goin
- 原来的很多中方法在android中都不在支持了,现在我已经找到解决方法了,可以把中英文字符串转换成十六进制字符串 delphi 10.1版本的哦-Many of the original method is not supported in android, now I have found the solution, can put the string converted to hexadecimal string Delphi 10.1 in both English and Chines