- 1.注册服务 2.快捷键,切换鼠标左右键 3.杀掉进程 1.运行RegSwap.bat,可以注册成为服务 2.控制面板-服务中,启动服务 3.Shift+F8,切换 4.在c:\\KilledList.txt 文件中输入,进程名,模糊即可,在切换的同时就能杀掉列表中的进程-1. Registration 2. Keyboard, Switching the mouse button 3%. kill a process. RegSwap.bat operation,
- 后台监控软件,为了达到隐蔽监控的目的,应该满足正常运行时,不显示在任务栏上,在按Ctrl+Alt+Del出现的任务列表中也不显示,管理员可以通过热键调出隐藏的运行界面。要作到这些,必须把当前进程变为一个系统服务,并且定义全局热键。 -Background monitoring software, in order to achieve the purpose of covert monitoring should meet the normal run-time, do not appear i
- 完整获取指定进程的线程列表,还可分辨进程的主窗口-Complete list of threads for the specified process, the process can distinguish the main window
- AphexProcessUnitExample 进程列表及简单操作-AphexProcessUnitExample list of processes and simple operation
- 枚举应用程序列表简单例子, 象任务管理器那样列出拥有有效窗口的应用程序,并且得到其进程完整路径,以及其他一些窗体信息等.-Enumerated list of simple examples of the application, as listed in Task Manager as the application has a valid window, and get the full path of the process, and other forms of information
- 监控任务管理器的进程当指定的进程启动时,程序会自动检测该进程是否存在进程列表中,当指定进程在进程列表就会自动关闭-Monitoring task manager processes when the specified process starts, the program will automatically detect whether the process is in the list of processes, when the specified process in the pro
- Delphi显示进程列表 Delphi取得某进程EXE路径 Delphi取得窗口列表 Delphi取得窗口进程路径 Delphi获取文件属性 Delphi判断程序是否在运行 -Delphi displays the list of processes Delphi made the path a process EXE path Delphi made window process to obtain a list of windows Delphi Delphi Del
- 有关一些进程的操作,如进程列表、获取进程ID、杀窗口进程、判定进程是否存在等-Some processes related to operations, such as the list of processes, get the process ID, kill the window process, such as determining whether a process exists
- GetMmInch - 取得打印机及屏幕信息 GetPCName - 取电脑名 GetPCIP - 通过机器名得到IP地址 IsNumStr - 判断字符串是否是数字串 IsCharStr - 判断字符串是否是[A..Z]字串 ArbStr - 取随机字符串 DenCrypt - 异或加密解密 EncrypKey - 字符串加密 UncrypKey - 字符串解密 StrNum - 查询子字符串SubStr在字符串Str中出现的次数 FSize - 取文件
- 灵狐Delphi版windows进程管理器,较系统本身的任务管理器功能更强劲,除了进程的显示和管理功能外,CPU和内存性能占用显示当然不可少了。除此之外还有启动项管理、注册表优化管理、文件及文件夹管理、进程列表快照查看、重启电脑和关闭系统等功能,在此基础上,你可以制作一个windows系统管理软件了。-Ling fox Delphi version of the windows process management, task management function is the system