- Magenta Systems Internet Packet Monitoring Components are a set of Delphi components designed to capture and monitor internet packets using either raw sockets or the WinPcap device driver. Hardware permitting, ethernet packets may be captured and int
- 对于二次开发,目前可以提供三种类型的开发包: 全系列ActiveX开发包Delphi,VB,VC 支持威视达康公司全系列网络摄像机,ActiveX方式。实时观看、录像、拍照、监听、对讲等功能。该开发包封装比较完整,功能全面,开发相对比较简单。 -For the second development, now offers three types of development package: a full range of ActiveX SDK Delphi, VB, VC, as