- delphi的文件朗读器,能读中文、英文以及中英文混合朗读,并且可以保存成WAV文件。使用到TTS,可以自行下载,并在delphi安装相应插件。-delphi read the document, and can read Chinese, English and Chinese and English mixed reading, and can be saved into a WAV file. The use of the TTS, is free to download and inst
- Monster Speech for Delphi 4 uses TTS and speech API for produce speech and sound files.
- 一个采用类似大富翁游戏模式的背单词软件,使用了ibm tts语音合成组件,外带3维9宫图游戏。delphi源码 -A similar pattern on the back the word Monopoly game software, used ibm tts speech synthesis components, take away 3-D 9 Palace puzzles. delphi source
- 用Delphi实现的TTS实例,是基于微软的speech sdk5.1开发包的。-use Delphi to creat a program about TTS
- Text to Speech with delphi
- Delphi源码,调用vista系统提供的TTS功能。也可以在win7下试用。欢迎下载!-Delphi source, call vista system provides the TTS function. Also can be in the win7 trial. Welcome to download!
Sip Component 2.99 with full source Delphi 7
- Make PC to phone or PC to PC calls via VoIP providers Multi User Conference Unattended call transfer Call Redirection Detect DTMF user input Record calls and save to .wav files Play .wav files to the phone line Play text using Text-To-Speech (TTS) vo
- 微软tts5.4语音识别与合成库文件前提是要安装microsoft tts 5,4 sdk(Micosoft TTs 5.4 develops the necessary library files, provided that the Microsoft TTS 5,4 SDK is installed)