- WebPrint4.0是由以前的WebPrint3.1和ePrint3.0这两个产品合并而成的,合并后的产品以WebPrint为名,慢慢废弃不用ePrint作名称,在WebPrint4.0的产品包中还是清楚地分为:一个实现html table的直接打印功能(即原来的WebPrint3.1),一个实现web套打功能(即原来的ePrint3.0)。 WebPrint是一个全面强大的web打印的解决方案。它可以直接在IE浏览器中可视化的设计各种复杂的打印模版, 轻松解决Web套打问题。也可以
- ANSMTP component provides an easy way to enable your ASP, VB, VBA, VC++, Delphi, C#, VB.NET, Jscr ipt.NET, ASP.NET or other COM environment applications to send rich TEXT/HTML email based on SMTP or ESMTP protocol. It also can lookup DNS MX record to
- 天气预报 根据 不得闲 Delphi天气预报查询 改写, 文章地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/DxSoft/archive/2010/04/16/1713475.html 获取城市的那个http://www.ipseeker.cn/有点慢,就改了http://www.ip138.com/ips8.asp 小帆(sailxia)的 gdi 半通明窗体,地址:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20100911/10/8f36bbc2-7bbd-423d
- For details on installing and using Toolbar2000, please refer to the Toolbar2000 help file - tb2k.chm. To open it, double-click it in Windows Explorer. This file is in HTML Help format. If you are using an older version of Windows that doe