- 日历生成软件,可生成图文个性日历,并有农历及节日,简单易用,只须三步就可生成台历,直接打印或做为EXE文件发给朋友, 自己给小宝宝制作个台历可变成一件很容易的事了 操作方法 1、点击选择模板文件 2、点击调入图片,独个点击,调入十二个月图片 3、点击生成日历 -Calendar generation software to generate graphics personalized calendar, and a lunar calendar and festi
- TStatusBarPro is an improved version of Borland s StatusBar. Each status panel in this status bar can have its own image, hint, popup menu, click event and double click event. In addition, TStatusBarPro accepts other controls as its child controls.
- NiceGallery is a visual control that can display several images, scroll them left and right, and can accept click event for each image. This component mimics the one I found in Microsoft Encarta? This component can be used as a menu or simply as an e
- 照片裁剪 在右键菜单中加入照片裁剪 点击打开工具 图片加载-Photo cropping Add photo cropping in the right-click menu click open the tool image loaded
- Delphi image component to make rollover images with over & click bitmap.
- Delphi:Delphi基于图像控件放大图片、缩小图片,点击对应按钮实现对应的放大或缩小功能,Delphi图像处理的小操作,源码简单,免费下载。 -Delphi: Delphi Enlarge image-based controls, reduce the image, click on the corresponding button zoom in or out to achieve the corresponding functions, Delphi small image pr
- Delphi:Delphi推拉图片效果,可作为一个图像转场特效,打开程序后,请载入一张图片,再点击“效果显示”按钮,就能看到效果了。 -Delphi: Delphi sliding picture effects, can be used as an image transition effects, open the program, load a picture, then click the "Show results" button, you can see the effects.
- Delphi:Delphi制作的图像积木效果,打开图像后,窗体自动加载一幅图像,点击“效果”按钮后,可预览查看效果,可持到类似积木玩具一样的图片显示特效,一个小小的Delphi图形处理程序,仅供参考学习。 -Delphi: Delphi crafted image building blocks effect, open the image, the form automatically load an image, click on the "Effect" button, you can
- Delphi:Delphi中的OnChange事件如何使用呢?这个源码通过使用Timagelist组件来演示OnChange事件的处理,运行示例程序后,点击窗体上的“删除图像”按钮,OnChange就会激发,判断图像列表是否发生了变化,并弹出提示告诉你结果怎么了。 -Delphi: Delphi OnChange event in how to use it? After this source by using Timagelist components to demonstrate tr
- 景点图片预览查看Delphi图片查看器源代码,代码中可设置在绘制窗体时,是否绘制图片。如图所示的效果截图中,左侧缩略图是景点的小图片,鼠标点击一下任意一张小图,右侧就会显示出该图片的大图片,实现一个图片查看器的功能。-Attractions image preview view Delphi picture viewer source code, the code can be set in the drawing form, whether to draw pictures. If the s
- Delphi持续响应鼠标点击,以图片移动、图片放大和图片连续缩小为例,演示如何实现持续的鼠标点击响应代码,你可以编译本源码,运行生成的测试程序,用鼠标连续点击对应功能查看演示。-Delphi continue to respond to mouse clicks, taking pictures, picture and image moving continuously reduces as an example, demonstrates how to achieve sustained t
- Delphi:简单的jpg特效,图像转场或过渡特效,点击对应的按钮可看到效果,可以让图片上下左右翻页,一种过渡效果。 -Delphi: a simple jpg effects, image transitions or transition effects, click the corresponding button to see the effect, you can make the picture up and down the page, a transition effect.
- Delphi图像通道提取实例,并且有明暗,柔化效果例子,可选择红色通道、绿色、黄色、蓝色等通道,以及水彩效果、失真效果、柔化效果和明暗效果,选择一种效果后,点击“效果”按钮即可看到处理效果。注:运行的时候有些慢,稍等片刻即好。-Delphi image channel extraction example, and a dark, smooth effect example, select the red channel, green, yellow, blue and other channe
- Delphi:Delphi图像颜色调节实例,很轻微的颜色调节例子,点击按钮即可呈现效果。 -Delphi: Delphi image color adjustment instance, a very slight color adjustment example, click on the button to show results.
- Delphi:Delphi屏幕拷贝,截图,抓屏代码,点击按钮即可抓取到当前的屏幕图像,实现了抓取的过程,没有添加保存截图的功能,这个就留给大家来编写实现了,截图功能是目前流行图像处理软件中比较实用的功能啦,希望对有所帮助。 -Delphi: Delphi screen copy, screenshots, screenshots code, click on the button to grab the current screen image to achieve a crawl pro
- 景点图片预览查看Delphi图片查看器源代码,代码中可设置在绘制窗体时,是否绘制图片。如图所示的效果截图中,左侧缩略图是景点的小图片,鼠标点击一下任意一张小图,右侧就会显示出该图片的大图片,实现一个图片查看器的功能。-Scenic spot image preview picture view look at Delphi source code, the code can be set up in map form, whether to draw pictures.As shown in t
- tringGrid的扩展控件, 在StringGrid的基础上增加了: 分别定义每列属性 支持多层表头、表头斜线 单元格合并、拆分 每个单元格可单独设置字体、颜色、对齐等格式 随意行、列锁定 指定表格背景图片,格线顔色 对每行数据提供状态管理(Modified,Inserted,Deleted,Unmodified) 动态插入、删除行列 支持下拉框,按纽等内嵌编辑器,并能自由扩充 支持列头点击排序, 记录Filter过滤显示 并增加OnEnterCell与OnLeaveCell事件,可得知鼠标光