- 一个十分好用的delphi第三方控件。它主要起到美化界面的作用。包含多个数据集,从整个界面的美化到一个按钮的改变都包括了。而且安装十分的方便,双击即可。赶快试试吧?-a very user-friendly delphi third-party controls. It is mainly played the role of landscaping interface. Includes a number of data sets from the entire interface of a
- 串口温度显示源代码 使用说明: 系统要求:WIN9X/ME/NT/2000 VC++6.0 且安装了VC ACTIVEX控件(在VC6安装时选上) 简介:在VC++6.0中用MSComm控件编程,可以实现串口接收数据和发送数据,数据分别显示在接收框和发送框中。 如何建立工程:建立新文件夹,将文档用WINZIP解压后,双击 Scommtest.dsw 即可在VC6.0中打开工程文件。作者主页上有详细编程说明,每一步都列出来了,可以参 串口通迅
- nrComm Lib Pro 8.29 for Delphi & C++ Builder 7-2010 nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solutions for many communication tasks : RS232, TAPI (data and voice
- TinyDB 是以VCL形式提供给Delphi/BCB程序员的一个小型桌面数据库引擎,目前包含TTinyTable, TTinyDatabase 和 TTinySession。-============================ TinyDB Engine Release Notes ============================= CONTENTS ======== 1. Overview 2. Contact Information
- EmbeddedWB 14.70.0 支持:D5~XE Delphi第三方控件EmbeddedWB,这是一个不错的浏览器控件,比Delphi自带的Webbrowser要强悍 -EmbeddedWB Component Pack ============================================================= bsalsa productions develop freeware solutions for users and progr
- 【最新for delphi 2010全源码版本】 应用程序设置管理是任何应用程序和基础的重要组成部分。通常TIniFile和TRegistry类用于这一目的。Storage Library为应用程序设置管理的新途径。Storage Library是为应用程序设置工作,使组件的集合。Storage Library的概念是非常优雅和简单的: *TrsStorage -主要含有类似的内存结构树中的所有数据 *一些TrsStorageData控件与ini,XML文件,注册表或TS
- XLSReadWrite for Delphi is a native VCL component suite for data import/export from DataSet to MS Excel file
- 几个数据压缩方法源代码,一共收集了8个常用的数据压缩的示例代码,格式是文本文件,你可以直接将扩展名改为C文件运行。 -Several methods of data compression source code, has collected a total of eight commonly used data compression of the sample code, the format is a text file, you can directly file extension
- EMS Advanced Import Component Suite 允许你把数据从文件导入数据库中,支持 MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word [RTF], HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, DBF, CSV 等在内的多种常用文件格式。 感谢 zshwyp 提醒. :-] 本版本支持以下 IDE: Delphi 7,2005 C++Builder 6 BDS 2006 [Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006] R
- delphi写的对学习delphi初级入门的数据编程很有用。是用用来查找硬盘mp3文件,在数据库建立记录,搜索并能Copy至其他地方的系统,能记载磁盘容量,文件大小等。-Writing for delphi study of data entry junior delphi programming useful. Are used to search the hard disk with mp3 files, set up in the database records, search and
- {*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **} {* EMS Advanced Data Import Component Suite *} {* *} {* Copyright (C) 1999 - 2009 EMS Corporation *} {* *} {********************************************************} IMPORTANT: Read this file
- The tBinaryDataSet component was created out of the need to have a tDataSet decendant which accessed a data file without requiring numerous DLL s or the Borland Database Engine. With the new features in Borland Delphi 3.0, creating a tDataSet d
- Clustering is the unsupervised classification of patterns (observations, data items, or feature vectors) into groups (clusters). The clustering problem has been addressed in many contexts and by researchers in many disciplines this reflects its
- 条形码管理系统,分装过程中扫描条形码,并导入到ACCESS中,可生成文本数据文件,并上传到其他电脑-Bar code management system, bar code scan-packing process, and imported into ACCESS, you can generate a text data file, and upload it to another computer
- Load-data-points-external-file-chart (Activex)
- 实现从文本文件中读取部分数据,内含测试文本文件。可一次处理多个文件,打开多个文件。并可提取中间部分数据。-Part of the data is read from a text file containing the test text file. Can handle multiple files at once, open multiple files. And may extract the data of the intermediate portion.
- 以十六进制的形式,直接读取文件在磁盘的原始数据 。-In hexadecimal form, directly read the raw data file on disk.
- 完美国际EL TASK EL 查看 TREEVIEW 应用-Perfect world, the domestic version of structural analysis of the data file, and the simple example
- sk工业触屏配方导出的数据文件RECIPE0,按自定义格式把数据转换成xls文件-Sk industrial touch-screen formula RECIPE0 exported data file, according to the custom formatting converts data into XLS file
- delphi控件源码,如果您希望odacvcl软件包不需要BDE软件包,请在编译ODAC之前在Odac.inc文件中查找并注释以下行:(delphi If you want that the odacvcl package does not require BDE packages, find and comment the following line in the Odac.inc file before you compile ODAC:)