- 用银行家算法实现进程死锁的检测和解决-with bankers algorithm Deadlock in the process of detecting and resolving
- 采用首次适应法、最佳适应法或最差适应法,编写一内存分配和回收模拟程序。 动态地随机产生新的“内存分配”或“内存回收”请求,再按照你选定的分配算法修改这个数组。由于这个实验的重点在于内存分配,所以不考虑与某内存区相关的进程情况。-used first to adapt, adapt best or the worst adaptation law, the preparation of a memory allocation and recovery simulation program. Dyn
- 广东工业大学 洪凌郁 操作系统的课程设计:包括进程管理,作业调度,存储管理,和磁盘调度!有问题可以E-mail联系我!-guangdong industry university honglinyu OS cource project: include process schedule, job schedule, memory management, disk schedule. Any question, please email to the writer.
WY OS 0.00b
- 我自己写的一个实模式的操作系统,支持fat12文件系统和一个和shell整合到一起的简单的键盘驱动,目前正在实现pci总线驱动程序。以后将会转入到保护模式下开发-I wrote it myself a real mode of the operating system, support FAT12 file system and a shell and the integration with a simple keyboard-driven, are currently achieving p
- 介绍unix操作系统的书籍,比较详细介绍unix操作系统的原理和使用-on the books, more detailed unix operating system and the use of the principle
- ReactOS是一个和Windows兼容的操作系统 ReactOS is an Open Source effort to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with Microsoft Windows(R) applications and drivers. -ReactOS is an Open Source effort to develop a quality operating system that i
- nucleus 文件系统,内核和彩色图形系统,在小系统上非常好用-nucleus file system, the kernel and color graphics system, the system is very small handy
《Windows VxD与设备驱动程序权威指南》
- 本书是讲述VxD和设备驱动程序的权威指南。主要分为两部分。第一部分(第2到第12章)讲述Windows执行环境和VxD。第二部分(第13到第19章)讲述基于DLL的驱动程序。本书几乎涵盖了设备驱动程序开发的各个层面,内容全面翔实,可读性较高。 -the book is about the VxD driver and equipment to the authority and guidance. Divided into two main parts. The first part (sect
- 本代码实现了操作系统中的司机和售票员同步问题,应用了VC中的信号灯,是我学完P、V操作后写的,希望于大家分享。-the code of the operating system and the driver and conductor of the bus synchronization, application of the VC's appearance, I studied End P, V written after the operation, which we hope to
- 操作系统的参考资料.好多不错的网站和相关的提示资料-operating system references. A lot of good sites and tips related information
- 1、按优先权调度算法,实现处理器调度。 2、主存储器空间的分配和回收 在可变分区管理方式下,采用最先适应算法实现主存空间的分配和回收。-1, priority scheduling algorithm to achieve processor scheduling. 2, the main memory space allocation and recovery of the variable area management, using the first algorithm to a
- 文件包含采用VC写的源代码。它通过模拟了生产者和消费者问题来阐述并发进程。-document contains VC used to write the source code. Through simulation of producers and consumers with questions to elaborate process.
银行家算法(C Sharp)
- 操作系统银行家算法实习程序,可以输入资源和进程信息,计算安全序列,能否为某个请求分配资源-operating system bankers algorithm attachment procedures, can be imported resources and process information, computing security sequence, Can a request for the allocation of resources
- 支持多个进程并发运行的简单进程管理模拟系统。本系统的同步机构采用的信号量上的P,V操作的机制;控制机构包括阻塞和唤醒操作;时间片中断处理程序模拟的时间片中断;进程调度程序负责为各进程分配处理机。-support multiple concurrent processes running a simple process management simulation system. The system adopted by the synchronization signal quantity o
- C_deadblocked和按优先数.rar-C_deadblocked and by priority number. Rar
- 页式虚拟存储管理中地址转换和缺页中断,这是赏完操作系统课时做的实习设计,有完备的分析余与设计,如实验目的,实验内容,实验模块的实现,采用的是采用先进先出页面置换算法。
os3 本程序模拟磁盘存储空间的分配和回收
- 本程序模拟磁盘存储空间的分配和回收,并用位示图管理。-The program to simulate the distribution of disk storage and recovery, and management with a bit map display.
- 实验报告 售票员和汽车司机的进程同步问题-Conductor and driver of the car lab report synchronization process
- 本次课程设计在本着加强课本知识运用能力的前提下,用PV操作来解决生产者消费者问题这个题目。该题目主要是解决操作系统中进程的同步与互斥的问题。 有界缓冲区内设有20个存储单元,放入/取出的数据项设定为1-20这20个整型数. (1)每个生产者和消费者对有界缓冲区进行操作后,即时显示有界缓冲区的全部内容,当前指针位置和生产者/消费者进程的标识符. (2)生产者和消费者各有两个以上. (3)多个生产者或多个消费者之间须有共享对缓冲区进行操作的函数代码. -The cur