- UCOS-II的多任务处理能力。共有10个任务在屏幕随机的位置上显示一个0-9的数字。每个任务只显示同一个数字,也就是其中一个任务在随机位置显示0,另一个显示1-UCOS-II' s ability to handle many tasks. A total of 10 mission at a random location on the screen shows a figure of 0-9. Each mission only shows the same figure, that
- 矩阵式键盘扫描数码管显示 八位数码管 显示零至九的数字-Matrix keyboard scan digital display eight digital display the number of zero to nine
- 2.用四个按键和一个数码管制成简易的密码锁。四个按键分别代表数字0、1、2、3,密码设定为3,开机数码管显示“-”,等待密码输入,输入正确时,显示字符“3”2秒,打开门,输入错误时,显示“F”2秒,按要求完成下列题目。-2 with four buttons and a digital control into a simple lock. Four buttons representing the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and the password is set to 3
- 采用并行口实现数字0~9、A~F、L、U、P、n总共20个键盘 并将按键的结果用7段数码管显示出来-Using the parallel port for digital 0 ~ 9, A ~ F, L, U, P, n total 20 keyboard The results and key with 7-segment displays
- 将8个数字写入AT24C02,再取出来显示在数码管上,C语言编写-The eight digital write AT24C02, and then taken out on a digital display, C language
第一类型课题资料汇总 (1)
- 模拟广告牌的字体流动显示。 含有两个显示函数,一个为一次在任意位显示任意数字, 一个为一次显示六个不同数字的(Font flow display for simulated billboards. Contains two display functions, one for each digit at any time, and one for six different numbers at a time)