- A user-space device driver can do many of the things that kernel drivers can t, such as perform a long-running computation, block while waiting for an event, or read files from the file system. Unlike kernel drivers, a user-space device driver can us
- 设备管理主要包括设备的分配和回收、同时实现设备独立性。假定模拟系统中有A(3台)、B(2台)、C三种设备,采用安全分配方式。-Device Manager includes equipment distribution and recovery, while achieving device independence. Simulation system assumes that there are A (3 units), B (2 units), C three kinds of equip
- 操作系统课程中,位管理的模拟实现,对理解操作系统的位管理有重要作用,同时对学习C#编程,也能起到作用-Courses on operating system, the analog-bit managed to achieve, bit operating system for understanding the management has an important role, while learning the C# programming, but also can play a rol
- 初步完成的1.44,M的FAT文件操作系统,同时包含一些基本的文件操作 使用的C语言和X86汇编-The initial completion of the 1.44, FAT M file operating system, while containing some basic file operations
- 1)在Linux下用C语言编程模拟优先级程调度算法。为了清楚地观察每个进程的调度过程,程序将每个时间片内的进程情况显示出来。2)进程控制块是进程存在的唯一标志,因此,在模拟算法中每一个进程用一个进程控制块PCB来代表,PCB用一结构体表示。3)进程在运行过程中其状态将在就绪、执行、完成几种状态之间转换,同时进程可能处于不同的队列中,如就绪队列。在优先级调度算法中,选择单向队列,入队既是将进程控制块插入队尾,出队既是按优先级重新排列的队,删除队头元素。4)为了便于处理,程序中的某进程运行时间以时间