- mac下软件汉化的步骤,汉化工具的使用,汉化原来,汉化例子讲解。-Chinese language software mac next steps, the use of Chinese instruments, the original Chinese, on Chinese examples.
- Quicksort is a divide and conquer algorithm. Quicksort first divides a large list into two smaller sub-lists: the low elements and the high elements. Quicksort can then recursively sort the sub-lists. The steps are: Pick an element, called a pivo
- 毕设题目,我用MATLAB程序编写的实现基于矢量量化的说话人识别系统,结合了yvTNGC算法。在给定的temp.wav录音文件的情况下,对不同的人的不同时间长度的语音进行辨识。实现与文本无关的自动说话人确认的实时识别。 使用步骤包括: 1 训练,2 eWerUhU, 3 测试 4, 输出结果。 -Complete set topic, I use a program written in MATLAB-based VQ speaker recognition system, combinin