- 异步加载图片,当在此浏览该界面时,不用重新加载图片-Asynchronous loading of pictures, browse the interface, do not re-load the image
- 采用C#编写的编译器,只是原理性说明,采用SLR表分析,最终生成4元式和符号表 本编译器是语法无关的,即能够通过文本随时重新编辑语法-Written by C# compiler, only principle of explanation, using SLR table analysis, the final generation 4 yuan type and symbol table of the compiler is syntax independent, that is, at
- iPhone Human Interface Guidelines.pdf Read this document to learn about the range of application types you can develop for iPhone OS and the human interface design principles that inform all great software. In this document you also learn how
- iOS 4 编程 (涵盖iOS 4.3 and Xcode 4) (含源代码)-Get a solid grounding in all the fundamentals of Cocoa Touch, and avoid problems during iPhone and iPad app development. With Programming iOS 4, you ll dig into Cocoa and learn how to work effectively with Ob
- This the example from Iczelion s Win32 Assembly Tutorial part 9. In order to assemble the example, you have to have ml.exe, link.exe and nmake.exe in your path. If they re not in the path, you will have to edit makefile to include the full path
- 炸弹英雄是一款休闲单机小游戏,这款游戏的实质上就是将小时候我们玩的游戏机里面的游戏,移植到了手机应用客户端中,该游戏中共设有十个关卡,在当前关卡没有通关的情况下,下一个关卡会处于锁定状态,玩家选关进入游戏后通过对摇杆和按键的控制来操纵英雄,投放炸弹消灭敌人,当游戏中所有敌人被消灭则为通关,假如炸弹炸到了英雄或敌人与英雄发生碰撞则英雄死亡,此时为通过失败可以重新开始。 此游戏的开发是使用苹果公司提供的Code - 5作为开发工具,结合Coco2d - X 开源的2D游戏渲染框架开发而成,其中还