- LabVIEW does not support IPv6 protocol (as of version 8.6) using the TCP/IP functions and there is no promised date for inclusion of IPv6 compatibility in an upcoming version. I have a project that requires IPv6 TCP communication so I requested that
- 基于labview的TCP客户端程序发送主机通常将发送缓冲区中的数据按内存地址从低到?的顺序发出,接收主机把从?络上接到的字节依次保存在接收缓冲区中,也是按内存地址从低到?的顺序保存。 TCP/IP协议规定,?络数据流应采??端字节序,即低地址?字节。 socket API是?层抽象的?络编程接?,适?于各种底层?络协议,如IPv4、 IPv6,以及后?要讲的UNIX Domain Socket。(Based on the TCP client program to send the hos