- 摘 要 针对实现液罐的监测与控制系统,采用下位机:以C52单片机为核心,控制HC-SR04超声波测距模块和DS18B20分别对液面高度和液罐中温度进行测量。上位机:在PC机中通过LabVIEW进行编程,其主要功能为:数字时钟、液罐液位的模拟、波形图、液位超限的报警功能、液位控制的自动和手动模式、以及对数据进行存储。单片机对液位和温度的数据进行采集后,LabVIEW可选择性的使其在面板中进行显示,同时还可发送指令给单片机控制进水阀和出水阀的开闭,也可通过自动模式对液位进行控制。相比于传统控制系统,
- LabView2010_入门指南-本用户手册旨在帮助用户初步了解LabVIEW 图形化编程环境,掌握在LabVIEW 中创建数据采集和仪器控制应用程序的基本功能。-LabView2010_ Getting Started Guide- This user manual is designed to help the user to a preliminary understanding of the LabVIEW graphical programming environment, to ma
- 该文件是labview tree 控件的使用说明-The document is the descr iption of the use of the labview tree control
- 本文主要论述了基于LabVIEW 的身份验证登录程序的设计与实现原理, 讨论了建立用户信息数据库以及LabVIEW与数据库的连接方式的选择,LabSQL工具的应用,实现了根据用户信息数据库进行身份验证的功能, 符合数据库信息的用户方能成功登录, 可以方便地嵌入已有的以LabVIEW 为开发工具的测控系统中。-This paper discusses the design and realization of the principle of identity validation based o
- AC6602板包含以下功能: 1. 0-15路AD 2. 开关量:16入/16出(AC6602L不支持) 注:对于各种型号的AD板卡,如果没有界面上显示的某些功能,可以将对应测试功能的控件设置为“禁用”。具体可以参考AD板卡的使用手册。-AC6602 contains the following functions: 0-15 road AD The 2 switch quantity: 16 /16 (AC6602L does not support) No
- AC6613板包含以下功能: 1. 0-31路AD 2. 2路DA 3. 开关量:16入/16出 4. 计数器2路 5. 脉冲2路 注:对于各种型号的AD板卡,如果没有界面上显示的某些功能,可以将对应测试功能的控件设置为“禁用”。具体可以参考AD板卡的使用手册。 -AC6613 contains the following functions: 1.0-31 road AD 2.2 road DA 3. switch quantity:
- 使用了Labview中程序设计模式“基本状态机”,完成了串口输入控制命令,继电器输出执行的功能。其中继电器控制的子VI是通过DLL调用实现的。使用者可以自行将其替换,只要使用这个控制框架即可。-Using Labview to program design model " basic state machine" , completed the serial input control commands, relay output functions performed. Whi
- 编写一个函数发生器,要求 : 能够通过用户界面选择产生正弦波、三角波、锯齿波、方波等函数波形 用曲线图控件绘制用户选择的波形。 -Write a function generator requirements: Can be selected via the user interface to generate sine, triangle, sawtooth, square wave function waveform Waveforms selected by the u
- 此虚拟仪器可以控制Agilent B2900系列仪器,可以任意设定电压起始值、终止值、步长,实现VI特性及电阻测量,数据保存在用户所选定的位置(电压电流电阻三维竖排数组)并通过广义最小二乘拟合显示在波形图上。-This virtual instrument to control Agilent B2900 Series instruments, the voltage can be set start value, end value, step, to achieve VI character
- ISchool随机抽题考试系统定位于学校或企业单位进行非严格要求的随机抽题考试,-ISchool random question test system targeted at school or business units that are not strictly required random question exam , exam project database system uses independent way , although using the ACCESS data
- chroma电源的驱动以及一些控制设备的事例,都是自己写的,想要的用户可以下载看看。-chroma drive power control equipment as well as some examples of his own writing, you can download the user wants to see.
- HIOKI3390频率分析仪的驱动以及一些控制设备的事例,事例都是自己写的,想要的用户可以下载看看。-Case HIOKI3390 driving frequency analyzer and some control devices are to write their own stories, the user can download the desired look.
- 掬水电子负载的驱动以及一些控制设备的事例,里面有波形输入的编程,这是个难点事例都是自己写的,想要的用户可以下载看看。-Jushui case load drivers and some electronic control equipment, which has programmed waveform input, which is a difficult case of his own writing, you can download the user wants to see.
- 泰克示波器的驱动以及一些控制设备的事例,事例都是自己写的,里面有获取示波器屏幕截图的程序,想要的用户可以下载看看。-Tektronix oscilloscope driven stories and some control equipment, examples of his own writing, which has access to the oscilloscope screen shots of the program, the user can download the desir
- CAN通信的驱动以及一些控制设备的事例,事例都是自己写的,想要的用户可以下载看看。-Driver CAN communication control equipment as well as some examples, examples of his own writing, you can download the user wants to see.
- 1. 本程序只在Windows XP 平台上经过完整测试,因此只能保证该程序在WinXP系统下正确运行。 2. 由于本程序使用的是MySQL数据库,因此需要计算机上安装有MySQL。如果没有,可以尝试Access数据库。 3. 将本程序下载到本地计算机后,需要建立ODBC连接。建立方法如下:进入开始菜单->控制面板->管理工具->数据源(ODBC),建立一个新的系统DSN:选择“Add >MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver”,数据源名称为“d
- For many years, the LabVIEW graphical programming language, with its integrated graphical user interface, has been known as an easy-to-use development tool for building data acquisition and instrument control applications and is especially well sui
- 艾德克斯交流可编程电源串口通讯代码,Labview下使用,具体指令集请参考一起说明书-itech Programmable AC power RS232, Labview control,details pls read instrument user manual
- labview软件对二维图片控件进行调用,同时显示用户指定的图片。-labview software called two-dimensional picture control while displaying the image specified by the user.
- 将得到的数据形成word文档,以word的形式生成报告,可以通过labview控制word形成曲线,方便用户生成报告。(The resulting data forms the word document and generates reports in the form of word, which allows LabVIEW to control the word to form a curve that facilitates user generated reports.)