- 一种革命性的菜单换肤技术: 不用设置 OWNERDRAW自绘风格 不用处理WM_DRAWITEM 和 M_MEASUREITEM 消息 可捕获绝大多数的不同类型的菜单: 窗口下拉菜单、窗口系统菜单、弹出菜单、 EDIT内置右键菜单、滚动条内置右键菜单、 通用对话框中的各种类型的菜单、 信息框中的系统菜单-A revolutionary menu skinning techniques: from the painting without setting
- 功能极为强大的可视化汉化集成工具,可直接浏览、修改软件资源,包括菜单、对话框、字符串表等-Sometimes you need to look inside of a program to figure out what s going on. PE Explorer is a program for doing just such looking on Windows Portable Executable (PE) files. PE Explorer will let you