- 开机后自动关机:类似病毒的软件,利用注册表设置开机运行,运行后立即关闭系统。(缺点:更改文件目录将会失效;必须打开此文件,否则无法开机运行)-Automatic shutdown after boot: similar virus software, registry settings start running, shut down the system immediately after running. (Drawback: change the file directory will l
- 开机后自动关机:类似病毒的软件,利用注册表设置开机运行,运行后立即关闭系统。(缺点:更改文件目录将会失效;必须打开此文件,否则无法开机运行)-Automatic shutdown after boot: similar virus software, registry settings start running, shut down the system immediately after running. (Drawback: change the file directory will l
- 易语言动态加载光标源码例程程序结合易语言操作系统界面功能支持库,调用API函数载入光标文件,并设为当前系统光标。 点评:鼠标指针的设置,可以学习借鉴。-The easy language dynamically loaded cursor source routine procedures combined with easy language interface features of the operating system support library, call the API f
- 文件夹 系统 一.选中常规操作选项: 1.利用本软件的创建与删除按钮可以创建任意文件夹,将文件拖放到本软件的面板上,该文件即被复制进您输入框中包含的文件夹中!-Folder system. The selected routine operation options: 1. Use of the software, create and delete button can create any folder, drag and drop files to the panel on th
- 可以离线安装系统的补丁,用到了线程和取文件列表模块-The patch offline installation system used in the thread and take the file list module
- 易语言Paradox数据库DB文件分析源码例程程序结合易语言系统核心支持库,实现了通过分析DB文件的格式,直接读取Paradox数据库DB文件。本易语言例程源码是易语言论坛用户编写的教程,属于易语言数据库类教程。-Easy language Paradox database DB file the source routine program combined with easy language system core support library to read Paradox datab
- 精易模块 V3.33 what’s new 1、增加“网页_删除IE缓存文件”命令 2、增加“系统_判断有无摄像头”命令 等-Fine module v3.33 what' s new, increased page _ delete IE cache file " command 2, increase system _ to determine whether the camera" command. . . .
- c语言实现 有N个学生,每个学生的数据包含学号(不重复)、姓名、三门课的成绩及平均成绩,试设计一学生成绩管理系统,使之能提供以下功能: (1) 成绩录入,插入后按学号自动排序,创建链表; (2) 成绩文件的存取,创建链表; (3) 成绩的多种查询、修改; (4) 成绩的多种统计、排序; (5) 学生增加、删除、列表。-there are N c language students, each student' s data contai
- 为坦克变形C语言程序。文件包含最终测试结果。坦克在队形变换中,先计算随从坦克最终时刻与主坦克的相对位置关系,并且以主坦克为参考系,假设主坦克不运动的情况下,以输入的数据参数为指标,得出随从坦克在队形变换中所需要的加速度。-The tank deformation of C language program. File contains the final test results. Tanks in the formation change, the first time and the fin
- 易语言进程清理实用工具,非模块,绿色无毒,放在开机启动,提高系统运行速度,防止开机启动病毒*文件运行-Easy language process Cleanup utility, non-modular, green, non-toxic, on boot, increase system speed and prevent the boot file to run the Trojan virus
- 易语言文件快速收索。影响搜索的几个因素,CPU,内存,线程,易语言本身,系统运行中的程序等。 还要考虑到程序的稳定,压力测试,多操作系统等,其实这小东西蛮复杂的:) 测试中还是有点小问题,易语言本身小问题也有点小关系,因为曾经被易语言的正则库搞得头破血流:) 用了文件大小筛选居然比不用还要慢1倍,我晕迷。。。所以删除这个选项-Easy language files quickly closing request. Several factors affect the searc
- Refers to the browser to display HTML file contents of web server or file system, and a software allows users to interact with these files.
- 易语言寻找系统所有文件源码例程程序结合易语言多线程支持库和应用接口支持库,演示了“寻找文件”命令的使用。 点评:易语言寻找系统所有文件源码仅供参考。-Easy language source code to find all the files in the system routine program combining easy language support multithreading libraries and application interfaces support
- 文件传输源码例程结合易语言远程服务支持库和操作系统界面功能支持库,实现大文件的进度传输--Large file transfer source, easy language routines combined with remote service support libraries and operating system support library interface functions to achieve progress in transferring large files.
- 飘零金盾5.0破解版。飘零网络验证商业版是同类软件中,功能最强大,操作最简单,安全最高的网络验证系统。是广大软件作者共同的选择。采用最先进的特征数据验证及文件特征字验证技术,保证了您的软件的安全性。及采用领先的双向动态加解密、POST传输、封包90秒过期等技术,使修改封包、本地验证等破解方法无技可施。本网络验证 系统基于HTTP访问网络上的ASP语言脚本,通过传输数据双向动态加密和网络返回值等技术手段来控制软件的使用权,传输速度快,要求配置低,只需要一个ASP空间就可使用,是一款不可多得的软件收
- 易语言ECC公钥系统文件版加密源码例程程序结合易语言数据操作支持库,调用API函数实现ECC公钥字节集加密方式。 -Easy language ECC public key system file version encryption source routine procedures combined with easy language data operations support library, call the API function to achieve ECC public
- 易语言linux内存操作源码例程程序使用c语言编写的动态库文件作为中介实现易语言在linux系统环境下的内存操作。 -Easy language Linux memory operation source routine procedures using C language dynamic library file as an intermediary to achieve easy language in the Linux system environment, the memory
- 易语言调用suner验证系统源码例程程序结合易语言超文本浏览框支持库,调用suner验证系统DLL文件。 -Easy language call suner verification system source code routines combined with easy language hypertext browsing box support library, call the suner verification system DLL file.
- 取非系统进程全路径文件名的源码模块,可以学习参考-Take the non-system process full path file name source module, you can learn reference
- 伪万能打开文件易语言源码例程程序调用API函数调用系统关联程序打开相应文件。 -Pseudo universal open file easy language source routine procedure call API function call system related procedures to open the corresponding file.