- 用按钮实现的井子棋游戏,连成三个者胜出,反之,失败,如果最终没人练成三个,则平局-Use the button to achieve a well child chess game, and even into the three is the winner, conversely, failure, if the end no one excel at three, then a draw
- 游戏三三棋,flash源码,家乡的一个小游戏,两个人对弈,谁最先在一条线上有三个子,谁就是赢家。-Three Three chess game, flash source, a home game, two game, the first in a line who has three children, who is the winner.
- 求解和为15的棋盘游戏问题。要求将从1到9的九个数填入3×3的棋盘中, 使得各行、各列以及两个对角线上的三个数之和均为15,并打印出结果。-Solving, and for 15 board game problem. From 1 to 9 request will be the number nine fill 3 by 3 board, make all, each columns, and two on the diagonal of the three Numbers are the
- 生命游戏,又称生命棋. 生命游戏中,对于任意位置,规则只有三条: 当周围有3个细胞时,该位置产生细胞 当周围有2个细胞时,该位置维持原样 其他情况,该位置变为无细胞 -Game of Life, also known as life chess for any position in the game of life, the rules only three: When surrounded by three cells, the location cells whe
- java经典算法,包括河内之塔,费式数列,巴斯卡三角形,三色棋,老鼠走迷官,八皇后等25个经典算法,想学习java的朋友不可错过-java classic algorithms, including the Tower of Hanoi, Fibonacci column, Pascal triangle, tri-color chess, mice go 25 fans officer, eight queens classic algorithms friends want to learn
- java编写的三子棋游戏。在三子棋中,双方在3*3的棋盘中轮流下棋,一方用*表示,另一方用0表示。若一方的三个棋占据同一行,同一列或则对角线,则该方获胜。-java prepared by the three sub-chess game. In the three-game, both sides in the 3* 3 chess chessboard in rotation, one indicated by*, the other party is represented by 0. I
- 三 子 棋 可以与电脑或其他人游戏 娱乐-Three sons chess with a computer or other person game entertainment