- The COMMON Sense project (for Community-Oriented Management and Monitoring of Natural Resources through sensor network) is about designing and developing an integrated solution for agricultural management in the rural semi-arid areas of developing co
- 该版本为魔方分类信息程序V1.1修正版,更新于20111011。本分类信息程序采用ASP+ACCESS开发,除了继承了传统分类信息程序的基本功能外,还独创了一些超实用的功能,如分类信息附加字段功能等,本分类信息程序注重性能及用户体验,优化的缓存结构能保证再多信息也绝对不卡、可定义分类信息附加字段,模板与代码彻底相分离,强大并且容易上手的模板引擎方便更换模板,垃圾信息防治能力强,更重要的还有在线支付、付费置顶等盈利功能,以及SEO结构优化设计,能生成HTML、自定义SEO标题、SEO内链等功能,更
- Automatic Numberplate Recognition is an emerging research field which attracts many researchers. At University of Information Technology, Hochiminh City, Vietnam, we have invested a project that aims to build an automatic numberplate recognition prog
- For a given program, testing, locating the errors identified, and correcting those errors is a critical, yet expensive process. The field of Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) addresses these phases by formulating them as search problems.