- 该项目为网上书店,使用技术为JSP+Servlet+IBatis,由于时间仓促,只完成前台功能, 后台暂时没有做。 JDK:1.4以上 数据库:SQL Server2000 开发工具:Eclipse+MyEclipse-The project for the online bookstore, the use of technology as the JSP+ Servlet+ IBatis, due to time constraints, only the future fu
- 一个jsp的都市信息网的小项目,涉及到了一点struts框架的内容,对想学习项目开发的同学来说是个不错的例子-City information network a jsp small projects, involving a little struts framework for the contents of the students want to study development of the project is a good example of