- 史上最强NDK入门项目实战.利用NDK 生成 SO 库,使用 SO 库进行 JNI 调用,在 Android sdcard 创建文件并写入数据。-NDK started the project in the history of the strongest real. NDK generated using SO library, use the SO library JNI call, in the Android sdcard to create file and write data.
- 真实书籍翻页效果完结篇,从事Android手机程式开发的朋友们,不妨参考一下作者的小程序. 有APK模拟器的朋友可以运行Bin目录中的文件看效果.网上可下载这种模拟器. -Final results page real books, program development in the Android phone friends, may wish to refer to the author of the applet. There APK friends simulator c
- android网络编程,关于http协议,实时更新数据内容,一个简单明了的程序-android network programming, on the http protocol, real-time updates of data content, a simple procedure
- android上视频录制 的客户端 可修改为本地存储和实时上传-video recorded on the android client can modify the local storage and real-time upload
- Application for android phones, which lets the user save watched movies into a database, with rating and imdb links so lookup can be easier. The server handeling the imdb lookup is no longer up, but for someone using android to access XML datab
- android动态实时显示数据曲线。用achartengine资源包来画的。感谢在网络上面学习到的知识,希望可以帮得到有需要的人。-android dynamic real-time display of the data curve. With achartengine resource pack to draw. Thanks to the knowledge learned in the network above, the desire to help get the people in
- android 在eclipse运行通过的 星座源码 是根据真实的星座图像显示的源码 有很多的功能是你一定要下载的-android in eclipse run by the Constellation source has many features that you must download the source code display based on a real image of the constellation
- wifi实时语音聊天,适用于android手机。两台手机终端可通过wifi进行局域网内实时语音聊天。-wifi real-time voice chat for android phone. Two mobile terminals via wifi LAN real-time voice chat.
- Android浏览器插件源码,可编译运行看结果-Android browser plug-in source code, real
- android翻书效果实现原理( 贝塞尔曲线绘制原理/点坐标计算)实现真实的翻页效果,为了能在翻页的过程中看到下一页的内容,在翻页之前必须准备两张页面,一张是当前页,另一张是下一页。翻页的过程就是对这两张页面的剪切,组合过程。-android fflippage Principle (Bezier curve drawing schematics/point coordinate calculation) to achieve real flip effect, flip the process
- 在安卓环境开发下的一款虚拟桌面远程监控系统,具有灵活连接服务器端,实时有效地传输的基本功能。-Android development environment in a virtual desktop remote monitoring system with a flexible connection to the server side, the basic function effectively in real time transmission.
- android 调用讯飞语音接口功能实现。在真机下测试通过可运行-android, use xunfei API。can run in real android mobile phone
- 在安卓环境开发下的一款虚拟桌面远程监控系统,具有灵活连接服务器端,实时有效地传输的基本功能。-Android development environment in a virtual desktop remote monitoring system with a flexible connection to the server side, the basic function effectively in real time transmission.
- 基于android 的rtp编程是现代多媒体协议的主要协议,是实时通行的基础。-Android based rtp modern multimedia programming is the main protocol agreement is the basis of real-time traffic.
- Android Java 通过蓝牙接受数据,画出无线心电图 -ECG analysis software, including a QRS detector algorithm. The algorithm here, designed to detect the QRS complexes in the electrocardiogram using by Pan J and Tompkins WJ. A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm.
- android系统获取手机传感器相关信息,获取传感器,实时数据显示-android phone sensor system to obtain relevant information, access to real-time sensor data
- 一个仿照支付宝编写的九宫格解锁Android程序项目,已在真机上试过了可以运行!-A replica of Alipay written procedures squared unlock Android project has tried to run on a real machine!
- Android平板电脑开发实战详解和典型案例——光盘源码 此书出版时间:2013-02-01 从Android 2.0趣味特性、Android 4.0新特性的基础知识到完整综合案例,由浅入深,循序渐进地进行了详解,既适合Android 4.0初学者学习,也适合有一定基础的读者进一步提升之用。 第6章 android TTS及语音识别 6.1 语音合成技术概览 6.1.1 Android系统TTS的设置界面 6.1.2 Android TTS引擎 6.1.3 语音
- VLC-Android-1.6.6 vlc-android播放网络视频成功 可以播放网络rtsp、http、mns等网络实时流媒体视频,精简了vlc-android的源码,对于想做rtsp开发的码友有很好的参考价值,当然,如果想播放本地视频,只需要在基础上进行二次开发就行。很适合二次开发-VLC- android broadcast network video success Can play RTSP, HTTP, MNS network real-time streaming video
- 安卓系统手机app完整程序,实现手机实时显示温湿度与烟雾传感器检测值,以及对LED灯亮灭的远程控制。-Android app complete program, the realization of mobile real-time display temperature and humidity and smoke sensor readings, as well as to the LED lights out the remote control.