- 一个专门为PHP语言设计的异步、并行、高性能网络通信引擎,使用纯C语言编写,提供了PHP语言的异步多线程服务器,异步TCP/UDP网络客户端,异步MySQL,异步Redis,数据库连接池,AsyncTask,消息队列,毫秒定时器,异步文件读写,异步DNS查询。 Swoole内置了Http/WebSocket服务器端/客户端、Http2.0服务器端。-A special asynchronous, PHP language design, high performance parallel net
- 提供Node.js和C++交互通讯功能的工具。通过Websocket、thrift等工具实现-provoid Node.js and C++ intercommunite
- html5 socket连接c开发的服务端(I've been hearing about HTML5 for quite some time now, and I especially liked the idea of web sockets. Giving us the ability to send data directly to the user, instead of doing something like polling with AJAX requests seems lik
- – The web application allows users to monitor power consumption, register Wi-Fi controllable devices and remotely control devices over Wi-Fi using a user interface. – This web application consists of a RESTful API developed in Node.js using the Exp
WebSocketChatDemo (2)c# websocket源码 推送消息
- WebSocketChatDemo (2)c# websocket源码 推送消息(WebSocketChatDemo (2) c# websocket source push message)