- The most advanced work I have up to date with JOGL which is lighting with 3-D balls colliding and bouncing around and disappearing... You may edit the source code and see if you may get any interesting results!! Hopefully I will start doing something
- wap ftp the best wap scr ipts from http://wap4org, wap site http://bwap.org you can enter to ftp client: $dftp/index.php?server=FTP_server& login=login& pass=password& v=*& d=**& s=***& i=**** *- objects in a page **- folder ***- view file size (1-ye
- 题库中的数据只作测试,不为真实,若要实施还需删除各题表,重新建表。具体过程如下: a) 先点击题库信息浏览,删除无用题表,注意:正修改的数据题表不能删除! b) 添加题库建表,注意:数据表名是一次性的,建了就不能修改表名 c) 在试题后台设置中,选择要修改的考试题目,点击修改否 d) 再点击添加试题数据,添加相关考试试题,注意:在判断题中,对的写“A”,错的写“B” e) 最后浏览选择试题,检查修改您所添加的试题。 - Exam data for testing on