- flash as3 CookBook 中文翻译版 本书来源于实际Actionscr ipt应用,超过300个解决方法用于解决各种编写代码中遇 到的问题。比如: 检测用户Flash 播放器版本或操作系统 开发自定义类 数据和类型格式化 字符串的使用 开发用户界面组件 声音和视频的使用 使用Flash Remoting and web services 实现远程过程调用 读取,发送和搜索XML数据 更多-Rather than focus on theor
- AS3.0 COOKBOOK,flash as3.0开发经典书籍-AS3.0 COOKBOOK, flash as3.0 development of classic books
- The ability to allow a user to save a Flex chart, or in fact any Flex UI component, as an image has popped up on my radar several times over the last few years. Solutions to the problem have generally involved producing a pop-up window with the UI co
- Actionscr ipt 3.0 Cookbook Solutions For Adobe Flash Platform And Adobe Flex Application Developers