- When a programmer discovers a pattern, it’s just an insight. In most cases, to go from an unverbalized insight to a well-thought-out idea that the programmer can clearly articulate is surprisingly difficult. It’s also an extremely valuable step. When
- 这个项目是本人的创业项目,是一个房地产搜索及交易网站(详见网站功能说明书+网站功能页面示意),采用jsp+servlet+hibernate3架构;该网站的基本框架已完成,曾在公网上试运行过一段时间,表现稳定。现在还有部分页面未完成,因本人个人情况及资金问题难以维持,因此停止开发,并公布其源码,希望有志者能继续开发下去并成功创业! 安装tomcat6.0 及MYSQL 5.0,导入haosou.sql(建表语句及部分数据),即可运行本项目。-This project is my own ve
- This book is about programming with J2ME on wireless devices with focus on developing games. It is assumed you have some knowledge and programming experience with J2ME and J2SE. The book does not go into detail on topics like how to make high level G