- JavaANPR是一个自动车牌识别程序,此程序采用了的了人工智能、机器视觉业绩神经网络的算法。,JavaANPR is an automatic number plate recognition software, which implements algorithmic and mathematical principles from field of artificial intelligence, machine vision and neural networks.
- Opencv Java API is a Java Vision Library to be used for Image processing,Opencv Java API is a Java Vision Library to be used for Image processing
- The Definitive Guide to Building Java Robots From servos and sensors to speech recognition/synthesis and machine vision, learn to build complete and working Java-based robots
- Do Vision Measurement PC code, Bottom-pass and band-pass FIR and IIR filter bottom pass and band-pass filter, Minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithm.
- 软件预构艺术中的实例,以三个“极致”为方针,实现了一家虚构的CD租用系统,包括了GUI的部分,说明在进行一项软件项目时会面临到的各种课题。从与老板Sam聊起他理想中的系统应该长什么样子开始,文中不时穿插主角与客户之间的对话,活生生地如同您在与客户之间的沟通互动。(Prefactoring approaches software development of new systems using lessons learned from many developers over the years.
- 用java做的象棋小游戏,逼真的界面,畅快的厮杀,高深的远见与谋略,智慧的碰撞。(The game of chess made with Java, realistic interface, smooth fighting, deep vision and strategy, and the collision of wisdom.)