- ProxyFoxDlg.h, ProxyFoxDlg.cpp - the dialog These files contain your CProxyFoxDlg class. This class defines the behavior of your application's main dialog. The dialog's template is in ProxyFox.rc, which can be edited in Microsoft Visual C++. If your
- vc下flash插件的使用,通过swf来美化自己的UI,该代码包含swf与MFC的通信代码.-vc under the flash plug-in use, through the swf to beautify their own UI, the code contains swf with MFC communications code.
- HTML编辑样本(HTMLEd)展示了如何使用图书馆的Visual C + +包类,Internet Explorer MSHTML编辑控制 - The HTML editing sample (HTMLEd) shows how to use the Visual C++ libraries classes which wrap the Internet Explorer MSHTML editing control. The Internet Explorer HTML editin
- MFC下的编程技术是整个设计的核心。在仔细学习了孙鑫老师的视频教程后,对网络编程做了一次梳理,本道设计采用的是基本套接字SOCKET的编程,基于UDP实现。(The programming technology under MFC is the core of the whole design. After careful study of Sun Xin's video tutorial, the network programming done a comb, this design is