- 基本petri net 基本概念,工程应用,原理,前景等的等的入门的petri 网
- Petri net simulator in Java. There are number of examples and source codes in this simulator
- 描述Petri Net仿真工具集体实现文档-Petri Net simulation tool described in the collective realization of the document
- 速度非常快、轻量级的引擎,使用富有表达能力的Petri网定义工作流,不要求关系数据库,使用简单,能和Java应用集成。事实上,它是按嵌入式设计的-Bossa is a workflow engine written in Java. The engine is very fast and lightweight, uses a very expressive Petri net notation to define workflows, does not require a RDBMS and
- Petri 网画图工具的实现,实现Petri的各项基本功能的源代码。-Petri net realization of drawing tools to achieve the basic function of Petri source code.
- Hisim是一个可以开发混杂Petri网的工具软件,依据微分Petri网理论开发而成。-Hisim is a hybrid Petri net can be a tool for developing software based on Petri net theory developed with the differential.
- Jbpm,他是jboss下的一个开源项目,是个基于petri net理论为基础的工作流引擎。本文主要通过jbpm源代码分析下jbpm引擎内核工作原理。-Jbpm, he is an open source project under jboss, is a theory based on petri net-based workflow engine. This paper analyzes the source code through the jbpm engine under the j
- Petri 网建模应用实例,用于分析Petri网的特性-Petri net modeling application examples for the analysis of the characteristics of Petri nets
- bossa引擎是一款开源的轻量级的工作流引擎,他是基于petri net的,不需要后台数据库系统的支持,他通过叫prevaler的系统来维护自身的持久化,所谓prevaler系统是基于sun的Serializable接口的。-bossa engine is a lightweight open source workflow engine, based on the support of petri NET, and does not require back-end database syst
- A Petri net (also known as a place/transition net or P/T net) is one of several mathematical modeling languages for the descr iption of distributed systems. A Petri net is a directed bipartite graph, in which the nodes represent transitions (i.e. eve