- 小的数字游戏 有得分 开始 结束 数字是随机出现的 根据出现的数字在键盘上点击 点对了就加分 点错了就减分-Small figure scoring games beginning of the end figures are the basis of random number that appears on the keyboard click on the plus points of a point by point to the wrong
- 24点游戏是一个十分有效的开发智力的游戏,它是利用加、减、乘、除运算符以及括号将随机产生的数进行运算,使其结果等于24,或者无解。 -24dian
- 一个GUI开发界面的24点小游戏,由4个数通过加减乘除计算得24.通过随机生成或者手动输入4个数,点计算按钮,界面中会列出所有能够得出24的公式-Development of a GUI interface, 24-point game, from 4 Math calculated by the number 24. Through the randomly generated or manually enter the number 4, point calculation button,
- 采用随机数产生2到10阶的随机矩阵,并实现了矩阵的相关运算,比如:加减,乘除,求逆,求行列式-Using random Numbers generated random matrix from 2 to 10 order , and achieving relative to the implementation of the matrix operations, such as: add and subtract, multiple and divided, inverse and deter
- 本实验的功能是随机产生加减乘除的四则运算的数学算式,可以给低年级学生出题使用-This experimental feature is randomly generated four fundamental arithmetic operations mathematical formula can give low-grade students use the topic