- bgjs Javascr ipt相关的函数与控件库 -- Javascr ipt RIA Liberary 开源 WEB UI 框架 RIA, DOM CRUD, SELECTOR, AJAX, JSONP, DRAG&DROP, COOKIE, EFFECTS, HTML5... 致力为业界提供一个实用完善的WEB前端开发环境 组织相关信息详见: http://code.google.com/p/bgjs/ -bgjs Javascr
- Rich Internet applications (RIAs), or web applications, are those web sites that blur the boundary between the web browser and standard desktop applications. Managing your e-mail through web sites such as Google Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and Microsoft
- This book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching the client side of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) development. The book presents concepts in the context of 100+ fully tested programs (6,000+ lines of code), complete with synta