- 编程打印数字1-9的乘法表。编写一个字符界面的Application程序,接受用户输入的10个整数,比较并输出其中的最大和最小值。 编程接受用户输入的任意多个整数,以-1标志输入的结束,求出其中的最大值、最小值和平均值。 编写程序实现如下功能,接受用户输入的一个1-9000之间的年份,输出这一年是否是闰年。,Print digital programming of the multiplication table 1-9. The preparation of a character of th
- 手机电视MobileTV,有很高的研究价值,在Sourceforge.com上面找到的,只是提供最低版本的源码,希望更高版本的早日能发布源码吧!-Mobile TV MobileTV, have high research value, in the Sourceforge.com found above, only provide a minimum version of the source code, hoping later to release source code for an e
- Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications of Noise Uses a density-based notion of clusters to discover clusters of arbitrary shapes, in spatial databases Key idea: for each object of a cluster, the neighborhood of a given radius contains
- 信号放大器 天然气经过管道网络从其生产基地输送到消耗地,在传输过程中,其性能的某一个或几个方面可能会有所衰减(例如气压)。为了保证信号衰减不超过容忍值,应在网络中的合适位置放置放大器以增加信号(例如电压)使其与源端相同。设计算法确定把信号放大器放在何处,能使所用的放大器数目最少并且保证信号衰减不超过给定的容忍值。-Signal amplifier gas through pipeline networks to transport their production base in consu
- Java example The Primitive Types 2. 1. 2. Size for Java s Primitive Types 2. 1. 3. Default values for primitives and references 2. 1. 4. Literals 2. 1. 5. Surprise! Java lets you overflow 2. 1. 6. Wrapping a Primit
- 1. 编写一个程序打印数出有10个元素的浮点数组a1中最大值和最小值。 2.将有10个元素的数组a1 拷贝至含有15个元素的数组b1的一段位置。 3.将一个已存入数组中的值45,89,7,6,0,按0,6,7,89,45的次序打印出来。 4. 求一个3*3矩阵对角线元素之和。 5.设某个一维数组中有25个元素,编写一个顺序查找程序,从中查找值为80的元素在数组中的位置。 -1. Write a program that prints out a number of floa
- /** * 二维数组的鞍点 * (行上最大,列上最小) * 思想:先找到每行上的最大值,保存在一维数组上b[i]。 * b[0]对应的那列最大值的行号为0, * b[1]对应的那列最大值的行号为1 */-/**** Two-dimensional array of the saddle point (the line' s largest and column minimum)* thinking: first find the maximum on e
- 一个日本公司的笔试题,实现一个栈,返回栈中的最大值最小值中间值,实现是算法导论里的算法重现-A Japanese company' s pen questions, to implement a stack, return stack in the middle of the maximum value of the minimum to achieve the algorithm is the algorithm to reproduce in the Introduction
- 用进退法求一个函数的下单峰区间,从而求出函数取值最小的区间。-Seek a function of the advance and retreat method, a single peak interval, in order to calculate the function value of the minimum interval。
- 几个基本算法,包括背包问题、皇后问题、集装箱装载、最大值最小值-A few basic algorithms, including the knapsack problem, the Queen, container loading, the maximum value of the minimum
- 微软面试题解法:有一个整数数组,请求出两两之差绝对值最小的值, 记住,只要得出最小值即可,不需要求出是哪两个数。-Microsoft interview questions Solution: There are an array of integers, request minimum absolute value of the difference between twenty-two Remember, just draw the minimum value can be, do no
- a) Write the method signature for an instance method named minvalue, which takes as a formal parameter an array of int and returns the minimum value found in that array. b) Implement the minvalue method. Some or all of the values in the array ma
- Write a program to read a list of positive integer numbers from user, and output the maximum number, minimum and the average value. The program stops reading when there’s a negative number. The negative number functions only as a stop marker but don’
- 先定一个类,在类里初始化一个数组并求其最小值,再调用函数实现累加和,再重新定一个函数初始化并且便输出这个数组的值。-The first set of a class, initialize an array in the class and the minimum value, and then call the function to achieve cumulative and, again a function to initialize and then output the value
- 编写一个程序,对任意输入的人民币金额,给出能组合出这个值的最佳可能,要求使用的币值个数最小.-Write a program that, for any input RMB, this value can be combined to give the best possible, require the use of a minimum number of currencies.
- 有一个5行6列的二维数组,元素值array[i][j]=iˆ 2-(j-i)ˆ 2+10, 其中,0<=i<=4,0<=j<=5,输出该数组,并求出每一行的最大值和每一列的最小值。-A 5 rows 6 columns two-dimensional array element value array [i] [j] = i2-(ji) 2+10, where, 0 < = i < = 4,0 < = j < = 5, the output
- 编写一个账户管理类AccountManager,使用映射容器管理账户,其中以字符串表示的账户名是键对象,而以前编写的类Account是值对象。类AccountManager应该具备开设账户、删除账户、通过户名查找账户余额、列出所有账户、清除余额小于1元的账户、统计所有账户的总余额、查找最大余额和最小余额的账户等功能。 - Write an account management class AccountManager, using the mapping container-manage
- Time series statistical analysis, used to obtain various statistics,include Variance Median The maximum value The minimum value Standard deviation Skewness Kurtosis Jarque-Bera test Concomitant probability of Jarque-Bera test
- this simple mmax and minimum value finding program in java.-this is simple mmax and minimum value finding program in java.
OneArryasTools v1.1-ok
- * 这是一个一维数组的工具类,里面封装了6个方法,分别是 * 1.数组的遍历: print方法 * 2.获取最大值: getMax方法 * 3.获取最小值: getMin方法 * 4.反转数组:revArray方法 * 5.数组升序(从小到大排列):asc * 6.数组降序(从大到小排列):desc * * 备注:显示的同时带数组返回,加个接收类型就可以了。 * * @author wuxiaolong * @version v1.1(* this