- 基于目前许多中小型公司, 机关,中小学校,大学院系等都有自己的图书库, 供内部人员借阅。因采用通用的图书管理系统耗资成本较大,且操作复杂,需要培训成本。多数单位为此依然延用传统的手工登记办法,图书流失,管理不便。图书借阅管理程序正是面向这样的中小用户对图书管理的需要而设计开发的,其宗旨是: 简单, 实用,满足图书的分类、增删维护,借阅归还、登记、查询,会员的等级管理、信息维护等。本程序是采用JAVA技术开发的C/S结构应用程序, 数据库支持MySQL 和MSSQL SERVER ,客户端采用Ja
- 多客户端与一个服务器的程序,很好的原码哦,希望大家多多下载-Many client and a server process, a very good source Oh, I hope a lot of U.S. download
- 数字签名服务器端源码,JAVA写的,拿出来和大家交流学习,很简单适合初学者-Digital signature server-side source code, JAVA written out to and communicate U.S. study, it is easy for beginners
- 本人的毕业设计,JAVA实现数据库转化,我用Java作为编程语言(Java的版本是6.0),JDOM作为XML解析器。数据库是SQL Server 2000,开发工具是NetBeans IDE 5.5 大家在运行程序的时候最好还是使用NetBeans IDE 5.5和Java 6.0,因为我设计的是图形界面,在设计的时候我用到了NetBeans的Swing设计工具Martisse,如果把我的程序放在JBuilder、Eclipse或JCreator中无法运行的(NetBeans是免费下载的)
- 用Java Socket完成如下功能:建立客户端和服务器端通讯,服务器端地址为本地端口自拟。两端以TCP形式通讯,假设客户端Class叫Client,服务器端Class叫Server。当运行 java Client Hello时,服务器端能接受客户发来的Hello字符并打印”Receive Hello”然后返回给客户端“How r u doing”字符串 客户端收到后打印”Received How are you doing”. 此时服务器端服务始终运行并未停止并等待其他Socket连接(客户端
- This a chatServer program when u want to make a chatting program in java. It is the code for server that how your server accept connections and distributes msgs to all.-This is a chatServer program when u want to make a chatting program in java. It i
- 公司内部用户、任务与计划管理的系统,B/S结构;该系统使用Struts框架与MySql数据库,Tomcat6.0作Web服务器,使用CVS进行源 代码版本控制,使用MyEclipse6.5作开发工具。 使用该系统的角色有系统管理员、主管和员工;系统管理员可以添加人员并分配其角色(主管和员工),主管可以制定任务、查看自已布置的任务、跟踪实施中的任 务、查看部下的人员;员工可以查看主管布置的任务、为任务制订计划、自已制订的计划的管理、反馈与提交计划; 实现了三种不同角色(系统管理员、主管
- This a file manager based on java servlets and jsp.it requieres Tomcat or glassfish server.More instructions on how it works or instalation u can find inside archive.-This is a file manager based on java servlets and jsp.it requieres Tomcat or glassf
- This another file manager based on java servlets and jsp.it requieres Tomcat or glassfish server.More instructions on how it works or instalation u can find inside archive.-This is another file manager based on java servlets and jsp.it requieres Tomc
- This login/register users website example based on java servlets and jsp.it requieres Tomcat or glassfish server.More instructions on how it works or instalation u can find inside archive.
- This a FAQ site example with posts and manager based on java servlets and jsp.it requieres Tomcat or glassfish server.More instructions on how it works or instalation u can find inside archive.-This is a FAQ site example with posts and manager based
- This is a servlets and jsp website that manages files from a sql or java database,show tables or edites them.it requieres Tomcat or glassfish server.More instructions on how it works or instalation u can find inside archive.
- sender-> folder -> System ip first start with server3start.java frame open select any avi file and click start to convert video to frame server1-> folder -> System ip & & 192.168.1
- This the server and the client program thatI wrote basically it gives u a good understanding of how sockets work in java credit to Author: Mohammed Alfaaz -This is the server and the client program thatI wrote basically it gives u a good und
- This the server and the client program thatI wrote basically it gives u a good understanding of how sockets work in java credit to Mohammed Alfaaz -This is the server and the client program thatI wrote basically it gives u a good understandi
- In iterative name resolution, a client sends a complete domain name to the Server 1 whose IP address is well-known.Then Server 1 resolves the name as far as it can. In this example, it resolves \edu\. Server 1 returns the name server address associ
- 1.用户注册功能:访问者可以根据需要在网站上注册用户; 2.用户登录功能:用户可以使用已注册的用户名登录网站; 3.用户注销功能:用户登录后,可自行进行退出操作; 4.用户管理功能:服务端能根据用户注册的信息(包括用户名及对应的密码等),判断申请执行登录操作的用户的信息正确性,信息不对应者将被拒绝执行登录操作; 5.手机推荐功能:根据用户提供的个人信息推荐适合的手机(包括手机参数及参考价格等),供用户参考购买; 6.配件推荐功能:用户购买手机时,根据用户提供的个人信息与购买的
- 云终端服务器方案生成器,可以帮助你轻松实现云服务器的配置。-u can use this code to repackage an android app to make the cloud server easily.