- 典型的导航源码值得大家参考学习和引用.初学着可以试着找做或是进行改动便可以用到自己的动画中.-typical navigation reference source worth learning and quoted. Beginners can try to do to find or can be altered to apply their own animation.
- 5条金鱼的源码,^_^。很是经典,这个flash也被引用了n次-five goldfish the source code ^ _ ^. Very classic, the flash was quoted n
- ILOG Elixir 3.0 去除水印 IBM? ILOG? Elixir V3.0 为 Adobe? Flex? 4 和 Adobe AIR? 富 Internet 应用程序 (RIA) 自定义开发提供 11 个图形数据显示组件。IBM ILOG Elixir 通过一个高度图形化的交互式用户体验,帮助您将原始数据转换为清晰、可操作的信息。通过教程、演示和样本代码进一步了解如何使用 IBM ILOG Elixir 组件。 国内的资源比较少,官方网站上有下载,不过需要ID号才能进去,好不
flash-daoying 用AS3写的图片倒影
- 用AS3写的图片倒影,只有一个包,代码很简练,但很是经典,轻松实现多个图片的倒影。 用法:直接引用到AS3中即可。-Written with AS3 reflection picture, only one package, the code is very concise, but it is a classic, easy multiple image reflection. Usage: direct reference to AS3 can be.
Carmark_Awu 用AS3写的平滑图片滚动
- 用AS3写的平滑图片滚动,完全的无缝滚动哦, 使用方法: 在AS3中,直接引用包文件就可以轻松实现图片的平滑滚动。-Images with smooth scroll written in AS3 is completely seamless rolling Oh, use the method: in AS3, refer directly to the package file you can easily picture the smooth scrolling.
- 使用方法是: 使用SWFObject引用tagcloud.swf时,通过addVariable方法,给其传入tagcloud参数,此参数的值即为标签云需要显示的内容,注意传给 tagcloud 的值必需进行URL编码,可以使用JS的 encodeURIComponent 函数对字符串进行URL编码后赋值给 tagcloud ,也可以直接通过编码工具转码后将编码后的字符串直接传递给tagcloud变量。 代码中 id="cloud" 标签内的内容和需要在flash标签云中显示的内容是相同
- flex版的,报表编辑器,功能代码很全的。初学者容易入门。加以修改也可作为实际项目的引用。-Flex version of the report editor, the function of the code is a whole. Beginners easy primer. Modified can be used as a reference to the actual project.
- flex版的附件上传下载程序,功能代码齐全。适合开发者们引用,代码稍微修改即可为项目应用。-Flex version of the accessories, function uploads and downloads program code is complete. Suitable for developers, code to change a little reference to the project application.
- 用actionscr ipt 创建事件的详细介绍,并给出了实例源码,引用了虚拟键盘对象的实例详解。-Using actionscr ipt to create a detailed descr iption of the event, and gives an instance of source, citing the example explanation of the virtual keyboard object.
- FLINT粒子系统的最新源代码,可以直接引用到FLEX工程中,展示各种特效。 -FLINT particle system source code, you can refer directly to the FLEX project, showing a variety of special effects.
- Actionscr ipt实现的水波贝塞尔曲线,可在Flex中引用和展示。-The wave of Bessel curve of Actionscr ipt implementation, can refer to display in Flex.