- 大家互相学习,一款旋转按钮效果,来看看!-we learn from each other, new rotary button effects, come and see us!
- 这是一个旋转的按钮,比较适合婚礼的网站。 把鼠标放上去周围有变化的效果-This is a rotary button and are more suitable for a wedding website. Put up around the mouse up there is a change in effect
- 用迭代算法实现动态逼近效果,最终实现颤动的小水珠,代码很简单,但是很有意思,只要修改一下,就可以制作出很漂亮的按钮-using iterative approximation algorithm dynamic effects, and eventually realizing the quiver of small globs, the code is very simple. However, it is very interesting, as long as the changes th
- 模拟Windows已用程序中的最小化、最大化、关闭按钮所实现的功能。可以将上面的手画图像改为漂亮的图片,就和普通的应哟过程序效果一样了。-Windows simulation has been used to the procedures to minimize, maximize, close button by the function. Can be above the hands of painting images to a pretty picture, and the genera
- 设计素材:xml调用的flash图片按钮效果fla源文件。xml调用的flash图片按钮效果,效果很不错,内含flash源文件 -Design material: xml button calls the effect of the flash picture fla source file. xml call button flash picture effect, the effect is pretty good, including flash source file
- 三个flex单击按钮后弹出窗体的示例,用了不同的效果。-Click the button three flex example of the pop-up form, with different results.
- flash抽奖转盘通用模板,从根本上解决了转盘类活动的问题,开发效率和体验效果上都大有提升。解决了用样式和JS实现转盘抽奖活动效果不佳的问题。 功能如下: 1.以后这种活动只需换几张图片就可以完成转盘了,资源名称随便定义; 2.奖品数量是可控制的; 3.按钮灵活定义!; 4.指针自动旋转效果; 5.鼠标指针效果可以启用; 6.兼容性好,兼容IE6-9,火狐谷歌等浏览器 7.效果表现好
- DZ论坛 FLASH视频语音聊天插件 提供给大家一个结合DZ的思路 通过FLASH效果实现 把这个FLASH页插到DZ的一个关键文件里 然后修改我提供的FLASH源文件 加上一个按钮 按一下 缩小到最角落里 象我们用的网际快车啊 迅雷那么大小 如果想聊天 再点一下 就变大.变成自定义的大小-Provides us with the idea of a combination of DZ Results achieved through the FLASH pl
- 这是关于3d的效果,左边的向上箭头按钮是放大图像的,向下箭头按钮是缩小图像,右边的向左箭头是逆时针转动,向右箭头是顺时针转动。-This is the effect on the 3d, the up arrow button on the left is the enlarged image, the down arrow button is to narrow the image, the right to the left arrow is counterclockwise rotatio
- 有三个盒子可以抽奖。每次只能抽其中一个(即鼠标点哪个就是抽哪个)有三种不同奖品。我现在做的是抽1号盒子就是1号奖品,2号盒子就是2号奖品(即盒子就是按钮,点中后跳转到指定帧。但我要的效果是抽1号盒子,随机出来1-3号奖品。-There are three boxes to draw. Only drawn one time (ie click of the mouse which is pumping which) there are three different prizes. I am n
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:变色按钮-This is a flash source file, with good results, the test platform for the flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: color butto
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:震动按钮~-This is a flash source file, with good results, the test platform for the flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: shock butt
- 按钮条制作及效果按钮条 按钮条 按钮条-Button and the effect of making the button bar button bar button bar button bar button bar
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:按钮音效-This is a flash source file, with good results, the test platform for the flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: button soun
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:按钮-This is a flash source file, the effect is good, the test platform for flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: button
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:按钮-This is a flash source file, the effect is good, the test platform for flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: button
- 一个多媒体文字演示,在文本框中输入文字,点击旁边的按钮可以显示不同的效果-A multimedia presentation text, enter text in the text box, click the next button to display the effect of different
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:按钮指挥动作-This is a flash source file, the effect is good, the test platform for flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: command butt
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:按钮效果-This is a flash source file, the effect is very good, the test platform for Flash 8 ( if the question please choose the right version to try), code effect is: button effect
- xml调用的flash图片按钮效果fla源文件-call xml flash image button effects fla source file