- FLASH脚本语言编译制作的一系列光线特效,值得借鉴和学习,对于爱好者无不是一个很好的素材 今天就先传这些,如有感兴趣者可留言,我会继续上传-Flash scr ipting language compiler produced a series of lighting effects, it is worth learning and learning, For lovers no one is not very good material today on the first of th
- 第5个原码...诶今天的网络真慢呀.好好努力上传-first five original code ... eh today's network really slow ah. Upload hard
- 用Flash做电子地图实例讲解 关于flash,大家或多或少都有所了解。比如上网,到处都能看到flash的存在。flash的应用也是五花八门。今天我们讲的是用flash做电子地图。 -Flash to do with the examples of electronic maps to explain about flash, we have more or less understood. For example the Internet, one can see the presen
- This code is to get weather for today and next 5 days of your city.
- The application below shows the functionality that I will be building today. It is a very simple demo that has a few games up at the top that can be added to your shopping cart by dragging them down into the basket area. Once dropped into the "basket
- Today s Actionscr ipt-based applications require increasingly sophisticated architectures and code. This book aids intermediate and advanced Actionscr ipt developers in learning how to plan and build applications more effectively. You ll learn how to
- 如今,动画设计比较盛行,Flash动画的应用也随着增长,下面,我分享一下遮罩动画-Today, animation design is very popular Flash animation with growth below, I share mask animation
- Papervision3D是一个基于Actionscr ipt的开源项目,目的在于实现更加炫丽美观、功能强大的Flash 3D Web应用程序。尤其是去年Actionscr ipt 3发布了之后,Actionscr ipt的效率得到了大幅度提升,基于此的Papervision3D无论是在效率、功能上都有了很大的提高。随着现在Web 2.0、Web-Game及休闲类竞技网络游戏的发展,相信Papervision3D的应用将会越来越广泛。 同时在Flash 大量应用的今天,Flash在 3D领域