- FLASH高级技巧大揭密。本书详细介绍和演示了制作FLASH的技巧方法,而且还带有代码说明,值得大家看看。-FLASH Advanced Techniques TERRY. The book detailed presentation and demonstration of the production of FLASH skills, but also with a code that should see.
- 支持向量机的理论和应用,不过是英文的,不知道可不可以啊!不过很全面的,要看看啊!-SVM theory and application, but English is not possible to know ah! But it is comprehensive, to see ah!
- 一本讲解UCOS的书,很好的,大家可以看看, 很有用的-a book on the UCOS, very good, we can see, very useful
- 今天,几乎所有电子设备里面都包含了嵌入式的软件系统。这些软件隐藏在我们的手表里,录像机里,手机里,甚至可能在烤面包中。这本书就是要教你怎样在嵌入式系统中使用C和C的派生语言C++。即使你已经知道如何编写嵌入式软件,你还是可以从这本书里学到很多东西。 合适就看看吧。-Today, almost all electronic equipment inside contain embedded software systems. These software hidden in our watch
- 讲解计算机的原理以及一些重要的应用,想了解更底层的东西就看看吧-It explains the fundametal and significant applications of micro-computer, and you can get core details of low layers from it.
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- 22本非常不错的C++电子书,想要学好C++的都来看看。-There are 22 C++ E-books, you can refer these books to learn C++ by heart
- 关于c#编程的书籍,贡献给大家。这本书里对c#编程的方方面面都讲的比较清楚,可以看看。-c # programming on the books, contributed to the public. This book on c # in all aspects of programming for the more clearly can see.
the_c_programming_language(c语言圣经 1[1].0)
- 有喜欢C的朋友可以看看, 这是一本英语版的图书.-Those who like C can browse this book. This is a book in English.
- 中文版的LINUX学习手册,挺好的,可以下载看看,在WINDOWS下使用的.-It is said that the tutorial ,which could be downloaded from internet ,for Linux of Chinese edition is helpful,and users can browse it in system of WINDOWS.
- PFC讲座,PB入门很好的文章,好好看看,我想对你们有所帮助的-pfd-lecture, a good elementary material for PB, is worth reading and it would be helpful.
- 这是关于门禁控制器的一个很好的说明,用的是DDS,大家可以参考看看。-Access Controller on a good note, using the DDS, we can look at the reference.
- 想要或者喜欢学习Dreamweaver的朋友注意了,这里有两本书,分别是Dreamweaver入门和使用,内容讲述翔实清楚,看看一定有收获哦。-want or like to learn Dreamweaver attention of a friend, here are two books, namely entry and use Dreamweaver focuses informative clearly see a certain harvest oh.
- us/osII最新解读,想要知道它的新特点的快来看看哦!-us / osII latest interpretation, you want to know its new features Come see us know!
- < 程序员〉很经典的一份杂志,这里有它的电子版本的集合为什么不下载看看呢?
- 一本关于代码的书,很有用.,看看对自己帮助很大-a code on the book useful. See their great help
- 这里是一整套指纹识别的学习教程,详细讲述了指纹识别的相关知识,有这方面兴趣的朋友不妨看看!-here is a set of fingerprints to identify the learning guide, a detailed account of fingerprint identification associated knowledge, this interest is a friend to take a look!
- 这是很好的学习资料有助于学数据库oracle的小学习 你可以看看非常有用-This is a good learning materials contribute to the oracle database small learning you can see very useful
- 邵贝贝的UCOS书后光盘内容,就是北航出的那本第二版了。看看吧,挺不错的。-Shao Beibei UCOS after the CD-ROM is the Northern That of the second edition. Let's see it, sounds very good.
- 超星格式的电子书,找了很久,不错,对AVR感兴趣的看看吧中文书名《嵌入式参考书\\AVR单片机BASIC语言编程及开发_0》-Superstar format e-books, for a long time, yes, the AVR interested to see what the Chinese title of "embedded reference \\ AVR BASIC programming language and open the Huffman "
- 基于模式识别的多项式因式分解算法及其应用,建议研究模式识别的各位兄弟看看这篇文章!-polynomial factorization algorithm and its application pattern recognition recommend you read this article brothers!