Delphi 7.0常用函数速查手册
- 函数由一句或多句代码组成,可以实现某个特定的功能。使用函数可以使代码更加易读、易懂,加快编程速度及减少重复代码。过程与函数类似,过程与函数最重要的区别在于,过程没有返回值,而函数能有返回值。 在Delphi 7.0中,已为我们定义好了非常多的函数,大致分类有6种:数据类型转换函数、字符串、数组操作函数、文件、磁盘操作函数、内存、指针操作函数、数学运算函数、日期函数。-function sentence by one or more code components, can achieve a
- 《操作系统概念》第6版英文答案 每章习题答案都有,自己看-"operating system, the concept of" English version 6 each chapter answers the questions have answers, do you
- 没有密码的,大家可以随便看啊,急求bcb的书籍阿-do not have the passwords, you can easily see ah, moreover books promptly A
- “8020”法则是当今社会流行的规则。如果你想成为成功人士就一定要读一读。- \"8,020\" the principle is now the social popular rule. If you want to become the successful public figure certainly to have to read.
- 本书中的问题,是软件业人士在面试时常问的,其中大多数出自微软公司,也有一些来自世界500强公司中的其 他公司。其实道理是相通的,认真领会,加以变通,当你读完全书时,你会发现你已经找到了一块进入外企的 敲门砖。作者布莱尔·沃森25年来一直做为世界500强公司的面试官,首次揭秘对答的所有问题和成功应试的秘诀。-the book issue is the software industry often asked in interviews, most of which come from Micro
[En]Web Servies Essentials
- 介绍web service的书,可以让你有质的飞跃-introduced web service, the book allows you to have a qualitative leap
- 自己做的一本书,相信对大部分C程序编写者都能用得上.谢谢!-have done a book, I believe for many C programmers can ebb and flow. Thank you!
- 本书主要对INTELPXA255进行了介绍,是一个可以让你有个整体概念的好教程.-the book for the right INTELPXA255, is a can let you have a good overall concept of the Guide.
- In this book, we aim to give you an introduction to a wide variety of topics important to you as a developer using UNIX. The word Beginning in the title refers more to the content than to your skill level. We ve structured the book to help you learn
- 汽车英语词,对了解汽车有很好的帮助。wish you like it.-cars English word pairs have a good understanding of the car to help. Wish you like it.
- 可能没有注意到,针对ANSI/ISO C的主要的修订版[1] 在去年12月已经被核准通过,那是就C99。同样的,你可能也没注意到,其实你已经在使用这个新的C语言了,或者至少用到它的一部分。这需要归功于标准委员会在接受新特性到C语言的过程中采取了恰当而保守的方式。差不多所有的新特性早已经被实现并且在现存的一些C编译器(impletmentations)中证明了其存在的价值。虽然没有编译器能保证全部的C99特性,但其中许多在很多年前就实现了C99中不同的部分。这对于C程序员来说将是个好消息。或许你曾
- 完美时序,不知大家有没有,希望兄弟姐妹们能喜欢。-perfect timing, I wonder if you have any hope that the brothers and sisters would like.
- 这是非常有用的单片机控制步进电机的程序,对你掌握步进电机的有更好的捷径。-This is a very useful SCM stepper motor control procedures, you have at your disposal Stepper Motor better shortcut.
- 2005年,在Web 2.0热潮中,Ajax横空出世,迅速成为最炙手可热的Web开发技术。Google,Microsoft,Amazon和Yahoo都已全面采用Ajax,新一代的网站如雨后春笋,迅速兴起。 什么是Ajax?Ajax为什么会这么热,他到底有什么奇妙之处?Ajax是少数高手才能使用的尖端技术吗?如何使用Ajax开发全新的用户体验的web应用,如何用Ajax赋予原有应用新的生命?本书将带你进入Ajax的世界。对于高级Ajax Programmer可以参看我后来上传的《foundat
- tcp的书籍有很多。或许大家都看过卷一,卷二是升华,上传卷三的pdf给个总结-tcp many books. Perhaps you have seen in Volume I, Volume II is the distillation of the pdf upload Paper 3 to conclude
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- 大众软件电子书,想必大家都看过大众软件杂志,我这里找了些电子版的,大家喜欢的话可以继续提供些。-public software e-books, I see you have seen public software magazines, I find here some electronic version. We feel like it can continue to provide some.
- as语言的入门教程,不知道 对你们有没有用 要的 可以参考一下。-as language portal guides, do not know you have no right to use the make profits.
- 这是一本关于MC-CDMA的英文书籍,这本书我看过觉得很不错,向大家推荐!-This is one of the MC-CDMA and English books, this book I have read feel quite good, and recommend to you!
- ASP开发指南,里面的西很不错的哟.This book is for anyone who wants to learn about using .NET for web interface design. Beginner or hobbyist .NET developers can certainly get a good foundation of .NET web interface design by going through this book from cover to