- 高压线路在解决我国用电紧张的同时, 必然导致导线表面电场强度以及输电设备周围的空间电场强度较高,从而会因电晕现象和强电场效应引起一系列的“环境 问题”。 -Solve our power shortage at the same time, the high voltage line will inevitably lead to higher electric field strength of conductor surface electric field strength,
- 分别采用 LLP 变分方法和微扰方法研究了圆柱形自由量子线的极化子效应, 在计算中考虑了类体纵光学声子模及表面声子模的贡献。(The polaron effects of cylindrical free quantum wires are studied by using the LLP variational method and perturbation method respectively. The contribution of the bulk longitudinal optic